Page 11 of Witch's Potion
“I told you I did,” he said, smiling down at her and enjoying the intensity of the moment. Something was playing at the edge of his mind, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was. Something linked to potions.
“Oh no.” Her smile fell and her eyes widened.
“What?” he murmured, worried and already plotting a way to make the smile reappear on her face.
“I used a love potion on someone and I’m ignoring them.” She looked well and truly horrified and he stroked a thumb over her lower back, hoping that it soothed her a little bit.
“Who did you use it on?” he asked, as the thing at the edge of his mind returned and he remembered what he’d come over to talk to her about. The longer she stayed silent, the more worried he got. As well as more certain that she was going to say the one name he hoped she wasn’t.
“My neighbour.”
“What’s his name?”
“Skyler.” The world at Felix’s feet felt like it dropped away, that was the last name he wanted to hear.
Chapter Eleven
Mia watched as Felix’s face fell. And she didn’t think that it was because she’d said another man’s name. No, there was definitely more to it than that, there was too much concern in his eyes for that.
“What is it?” she asked. Felix glanced around, worrying her even more. He grasped her arm and pulled her over to the side of the room, away from the eyes that might be watching. Hell, the eyes that were probably watching after that kiss. She wondered if the heat between the two of them would ever die. She hoped not, but she’d never actually considered that she might find the one person that awakened those feelings in her.
Felix pulled her into a shaded alcove, and she was kind of disappointed that he wasn’t
doing it for a more fun reason. Maybe later. Damn, she was becoming insatiable and she couldn’t even help it.
“What is it?” she repeated, not at all reassured by the fevered look on his face.
“What do you know about Skyler?” he asked, his question taking her slightly off guard. That wasn’t what she’d been expecting.
“He’s my neighbour, moved in about the same time I did, he likes to tend to his garden.” She shrugged, realising how little she actually knew about the man that she thought was it for her. That was weird, and not like her at all.
“And you used a love potion on him?” He looked down at her, his eyes filled with worry.
“I-I don’t know. I thought he was wonderful and that it would get him to notice me, but now I don’t know why I thought that was a good idea in the first place.” Actually it kind of concerned her. She was normally completely aware of what was going on in her head. She was logical and methodical, hence the talent of potions. But none of this was any of that.
“Mia, I need you to think really carefully. Has he ever cast a spell on you or anything like that?”
“I don’t know. I just know that I really liked him, and he didn’t seem to like me. And then I gave him the potion and he agreed to come to the wedding with me and I was over the moon about it. But now—”
“Now it all seems a bit fishy,” he finished for her and she nodded.
“Why are you asking?” She frowned up at him and he lifted a hand to her cheek, smoothing his thumb over her skin. She leaned into his touch, enjoying the warmth that had nothing to do with body heat.
“He was asking about you. Well, he was asking me if I’d noticed anything odd about you. Almost as if he expected you to have something different about you. I mean, beyond being drop dead gorgeous that is.” She rewarded his cheesiness with a brief smile, and he returned it, seemingly relieved that she was still able to smile.
“But what does any of that actually mean?” she asked him. She was feeling more confused than ever, and not just because the way she’d felt about Skyler seemed to have completely changed over the course of the day. There was definitely something more going on, and it had her worried.
“Have you considered the option that he’s after you for something?” She laughed. What would anyone want her for?
“Unlikely. Bex is far more powerful than I am. I can barely turn the kettle on with magic.”
“But you could lock a door?”
“It might not have actually been locked. I’m not sure.”