Page 61 of Beneath the Earth (Seven Wardens 3)
"Power it down a little?" she asked in something that was close to a moan.
"Sorry." He grinned. "I was just a little worried. Did the storm kelpies give you any trouble?"
Macey looked back at the small group of blue people. It was mostly men, but there were three women as well. "Nope, they're harmless. Long story, but Muahwa is now their new king, and he was very happy to send some of his warriors to help us. Did everything go okay with the kabouters and kludde?"
Jared grimaced. "Kabouters, yes, they sent two dozen people and more are on their way. The kludde... not so much." He sighed deeply. "Their powers are out of control. Wilg said it wasn't safe for any of them to come and help. Not even he himself felt like his magic was stable enough to be of much use. He did show me a vision though."
His expression darkened. "I'm not allowed to tell you about it until the time has come."
"What time?" Macey asked in confusion.
He winked and pretended to zip his lips shut, but his eyes stayed sad. "No chance. Not telling you. Amber and Izban just returned, shall we check on them?"
She was very aware that he'd brazenly changed the topic, but the look in his eyes made her stop asking any more questions.
They walked over to the other side of the grassy area where Amber and Izban were standing by themselves. Rónán had disappeared. When the beithir saw them approach, she waved, but it was a weak gesture.
Macey increased her steps. "What happened?" she asked as soon as she was close enough for them to hear her.
Macey shrugged. "No water, no ceasg. Having Rónán with us didn't help, she just said she couldn't assist us."
"And Fedelm refused to come as well. She said she was needed somewhere else," Izban said with a drawn-out sigh. "It was a waste of time."
Several stones dropped into Macey's stomach. Somehow she'd hoped the ceasg would be able to join them. She'd seemed like a good ally to have, but she didn't seem to be able to shift and walk on land like her and the selkies did.
"Salty seaweed," Macey muttered in frustration, but Cam started to laugh.
"What did you just say?"
"Salty seaweed," Macey repeated with a pout. "It's a well-known kelpie curse."
Jared snickered. "Seriously? It's a bit tame."
Izban didn't smile like the others. "Have you seen the others? Rónán went to get some food, but I've not spotted Flint."
Wait, wasn't Flint supposed to be with Jared?
Macey turned and looked back at the crowd assembled behind them. The incubus was walking towards them, deep in conversation with Jerimiah.
"Jared!" Macey called. "Where's Flint?"
"He said he was preparing a surprise!" Jared shouted back. "He should be somewhere in Malan's house."
"And the seelie?"
Jared shook his head. "Two of them talked to us in front of their city walls, but they didn't even let us in. We waited for a bit to see if one of the sìth who helped us last time would come out, but they didn't."
"Another waste of time," Izban muttered darkly.
"What kind of surprise?" Macey asked. A strange feeling was overtaking her, the urge to run and search for Flint.
"One of the seelie gave him something." Jared shrugged. "A present for you. He didn't let me see it, and he went straight inside when we arrived back here, letting me deal with the kabouters."
"One doesn't 'deal' with kabouters," Jerimiah corrected. "One is honoured to get the attention of kabouters."
Macey smiled but it didn't reach her heart.
"I'll go look for him," she said, already on the way to the house. She could feel her men follow her, but she didn't look back. Something was wrong.