Page 23 of Beneath the Earth (Seven Wardens 3)
Smal wasn't listening though, she was hugging Jared who was looking at Macey with a sheepish expression, as if to say that the embrace wasn't his idea. He gently patted her back while she gripped him tight.
When she stepped back, her expression turned from a wide smile to a stern glare. "Don't you ever stay away this long again without sending word," she admonished Jared. "I've been worried sick."
He blushed. "It's not been all that long," he defended himself. "Maybe a year?"
Smal put her hands on her hips and her glare increased. "Fifteen months. Fif-teen months, young man. That's at least fourteen months too many."
"I was busy," Jared muttered, looking at Macey for help. She just grinned innocently, enjoying the show. She was beginning to like this Kabouter family.
"Stop it, Smal," Jerimiah said and pulled his wife away from the incubus. "Go, make some tea, and maybe get some biscuits. Our boy looks like he could do with some food."
Smal turned her glare at her husband, but then did as he'd asked, hurrying off into yet another tunnel.
Finally, Macey and Jared sat down on the sofa. The incubus looked relieved now that he was no longer being hugged or admonished by the female gnome. Good, Macey had started to feel sorry for him. Little Gisella seemed to think the same, because as soon as they'd sat down, she jumped on Jared's lap, making herself comfortable. Her hat tickled his chin and he gently readjusted the girl's position.
He would make a good dad, Macey thought, before stopping herself from imagining Jared holding several of his own children on his lap. Hopefully, there wasn't going to be a baby any time soon; they had a world to save first.
Which is what had brought them here, after all.
"I assume this isn't just a family visit to introduce us to your girlfriend?" Jerimiah asked, sitting on an armchair opposite them that seemed to be made from roots twisted tightly together.
"You know him," Smal scoffed, returning with a tray of steaming mugs. "He only comes when he needs something. He's never got time for his mama anymore."
"Mama?" Macey whispered.
"They kind of see me as their adopted son," Jared muttered under his breath. He lifted his voice. "I wanted to visit but then I met Macey and..."
Smal's expression immediately lightened. "And you only had eyes and ears for her," she finished his sentence. "Of course, we understand, don't we, Jemmy?"
Her kabouter husband flinched at her public use of his nickname and Macey had to stifle a grin. They seemed like such an adorable couple.
“Gisella, I think it’s time for you to go to bed,” he said to his daughter instead, and after some complaining, the little kabouter ran off, presumably to her bedcave.
Jared coughed. "Well, yes, and Macey got kidnapped and it took me a while to find her again. And now..."
"You let your girlfriend get kidnapped?" Smal screeched and jabbed her small index finger towards Jared. "How is she still with you?"
Macey shrugged. "I rescued myself, Jared never got the chance to free me. I'm sure he would have done a great job otherwise."
"Of course he would have," Smal nodded enthusiastically and pressed a mug of tea in Macey's hands. "We raised him. He'd have been your Prince Charming if only you'd let him."
Was the kabouter telling her off for not staying in the Voice's dungeons long enough for Jared to rescue her? This was getting weirder every minute.
"We're here because..." Jared began again, but the gnome woman interrupted him.
"Is she pregnant?"
"What?! No! Of course not," Macey spluttered. She wasn't even sure if she could get pregnant on land. Most kelpies reproduced in kelpie form, it made the foaling easier.
"That's neither here nor there," Jared muttered, his already dark skin growing darker in his embarrassment.
"Having troubles then?" Smal asked, a knowing smile on her face. "I know just the thing for that."
Before either of them could say anymore, the kabouter was running out of the room and towards whatever it was she had in mind.
"Sorry," Jared muttered.
Rather than answering aloud, Macey placed a reassuring hand on his arm, knowing he'd understand what she meant by it.