Page 15 of Beneath the Earth (Seven Wardens 3)
Stunned silence greeted Rónán’s revelation as it sank into
the Wardens.
“You mean like Macey and Air?” Amber asked after a moment.
“No. Though I suspect that may help,” Rónán replied. “More like what you did in the cave. You combined your powers.”
“So why can’t we just do that again?” Flint asked, cocking his head to the side in an adorably sexy way. Despite the fact she’d only been with Rónán a short time ago, Macey found her mind drifting towards what she could be doing with her other men…
“I don’t think that’s what Rónán is saying,” Cam said, speaking for the first time since they’d arrived back with the others. “I think he’s saying each of us needs to be able to control the other six elements.”
“Pretty much,” he acknowledged.
“How are we supposed to do that?” A forlorn feeling filled Macey. She wouldn’t even know where to start controlling lightning like Amber, and she’d channelled the other woman’s powers before. She had no chance with the rest of them.
“I’m not sure,” Rónán admitted. “It’s all just a folk tale. But after meeting the Wardens, it’s difficult not to believe in them anymore. I’ve seen more than enough proof that your legend is real.”
Each of them nodded in turn, except for Izban who sat there glaring.
“Why should we learn?” he demanded. “Put ourselves in danger to defeat something that may or may not exist?”
“Izban!” Amber scolded.
“He does have a valid question,” Macey said, trying her best to keep her tone unassuming and them all out of the zone of anger. “But I do have a question for you.”
The Ice Warden met her gaze. There was as little warmth as his title suggested in his eyes but Macey wasn’t about to let that stop her. He would become a part of the team, or she’d do her best to replace him. The main thing stopping her working on that right away was that it would make her friend sad.
“Mahoun hurt Amber. Are you really going to let him just get on with whatever he’s doing after that?”
The two Wardens stared off at each other, neither of them saying a word. The tension in the air grew thicker by the moment and Macey wanted to break it more than anything. But she knew if she did that there was a chance they’d lose Izban and she didn’t know whether Amber would follow him or not. She hoped not, her friend had a good sense of right and wrong. But then again, she also loved Izban. If it was Macey in her place then she’d side with her men on anything. Even if they were being stubborn assholes.
“You win,” Izban muttered eventually, tearing his eyes away.
Relief surged through Macey. For now, he was on her side. Though she wasn’t sure if that’d always be the case. Hopefully they wouldn’t need a moment like this again.
“Thank you,” Amber mouthed at her.
Macey gave the other woman a weak smile. At least she knew where the beithir’s loyalties lay. She wanted to stand by the Wardens.
“Right, so back to square one. How do we learn to control all of the elements?” Macey asked the assembly.
“I’m not sure,” Rónán answered. “That’s as much as I know about the legend. It specified controlling each of the seven elements and that was the key to defeating the devil, nothing more than that.”
“Wait, just one person controlling all the elements?” Cam specified.
“I guess.” Rónán shrugged. “But why one and not seven?”
“Because there’s only one person here with tattoos of all seven elements,” Cam replied.
Six sets of eyes turned to Macey and she gulped.
By the waves, she was in trouble.
Malan, the Prophet
Making plans had been easy. Putting them into practice, not so much. Just because Macey had the markings didn't mean that she knew how to use them. For all she knew, she needed a spell or magic word to activate them.