Page 11 of Beneath the Earth (Seven Wardens 3)
She turned away from him, chastising herself for wanting the selkie. She already had three men. That was two more than most women had. How could she be this greedy? And why was she thinking about
Rónán when she had suddenly turned into a scaled monster?
She shook off the thoughts of devouring Rónán... wait. The guys had used that word. No, it had been Rónán. He'd been talking about her devouring men. Was that what was happening to her? Was she turning into a wanton kelpie, feeding off sex like incubi?
Even now, she was fighting against the urge to turn and kiss Rónán. Was this what Jared felt? If so, she was gaining a new sense of admiration for him. He was so in control most of the time, not jumping her like she was wanting to jump Rónán. Maybe she should get away from the selkie and spend some time with her men instead. But they weren't here and Rónán was.
"Slap me," she whispered.
"I want things I shouldn't. Slap me out of it."
Rónán chuckled. "I'm not going to hit you."
"Then get away from me."
She wanted to scramble off his lap, run away from him, but she couldn't make herself do it.
Why wasn't she freaking out about the scales? Why was she so... horny instead?
"Something's happening to me," she said quietly. "I feel things I shouldn't be feeling. Where are the guys? I need them here, not you."
She didn't turn around to see if he looked hurt by her words.
"It's too dangerous for Flint just now, his fire would be too vulnerable to all the water magic you have filling the the air just now. Jared would love to be here, but... ehm... his incubus got a little out of hand when he felt your pull. Cam is busy holding him back or you'd have an incubus screwing you mindless just now. And you know incubi can kill when they get out of control, right?"
She nodded, stunned.
"Which leaves me. I might be the one least likely to get hurt if your magic overwhelms you again." His voice was more serious now, containing none of the previous humour.
"But why is this happening?" Macey asked. "All this just because I didn't shift for a long time? I've never heard of this happening to other kelpies, and I know a few who've been living on land for ages."
Rónán was quiet for a moment, then said, "I think it's a combination of things. First, not shifting for months. Then, being under the influence of the creature you call the Voice. Third, you had some weird shit happen to you when you fought the creature hurting the Staran. And additionally, the Staran failing has started having an effect on all magic, not just yours. One of these might not be enough to have that much of an effect, but all four together..."
"Turned me into a monster," Macey finished his sentence.
Suddenly, he grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around. "You're not a monster. You're a beautiful, strong, magnificent woman. Don't you ever call yourself a monster again.”
Macey raised her arms, showing him her scales. "Look at me! I'm deformed. I'm a -"
His lips shut her up.
His kiss was different from the others, but no less enticing. Macey pushed up against him, the memory of her new scales already sinking backwards. What did it matter if she had them when a hot selkie was making his feelings known to her?
Her whole body heated up as she shifted against him and felt how hard he was against her. There were two ways she could go with this. Either she put a stop to it, or she went all the way. The former seemed to be a bit of a let down though. And her men had already given her the go ahead…
She twisted around, removing herself from his lap briefly so she could straddle him and link her legs around his back.
His hard cock pressed against her, heating her further as she rocked back and forth. The only issue being the clothing between the two of them. It was definitely in the way and she almost wished she had magic that would vanish the little they were wearing.
Rónán’s hand slipped beneath his shirt, caressing the skin of Macey’s back. She shivered in anticipation.
“Are you sure about this?” he whispered against her lips. “I don’t want you to-”
“Stop talking and kiss me.” She pressed her lips against his with more vigour, pulling him closer with her arms around his neck.
Rónán cupped her ass and moved her so she was laying down against the side of the pool, the rough, cold floor a welcome sensation.