Page 6 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
Lightning and water didn’t really mix. It almost sounded kind of deadly, and Macey wasn’t completely keen on finding out how so.
“You’ve finally come to kill me then?” Amber met Macey’s eyes with a strange mix of resignation and determination in her gaze. As broken as she looked on the inside, this girl was still standing, and still fighting. Just not in the most obvious of ways.
“Why would I want to kill you?” Macey frowned, genuinely confused about what she could mean. She’d never really wanted to kill anyone. Not until the Voice anyway. She’d quite happily carve his heart out with a rusty spoon if she got the chance. If he had one. A heart that was. She was sure finding a rusty spoon would be reasonably straightforward.
“My dre-”
Amber flinched alongside Macey. Interesting. The Voice was talking to them both then. That was particularly interesting given their stays here.
The echo of his words faded away, but Amber continued to flinch. He must still be talking to her then. Poor girl.
“No… don’t make me… no… please… no.” She started clawing at her face, as if to get the Voice out. Macey wondered if that was what she looked like when the Voice was in her head. If so, it made sense why her men were always so worried after she’d come around.
A pang of loss shot through her heart. She wanted them with her so badly. Not because she’d need them to escape, but just because they made her feel more complete.
ENJOY, LITTLE KELPIE, the Voice taunted.
Macey braced herself as best she could, wishing her wrists weren’t still shackled. She wasn’t quite sure what the Voice had in mind, but given everything she’d heard and witnessed so far, likelihood was that it wasn’t going to be pleasant.
She wouldn’t scream though. She had to keep that promise. Giving him the satisfaction would be the worst possible torture.
“No, no, no, no, no.” Amber glanced down at her hands with an expression of horror on her face.
Macey looked down too and gulped. The girl’s hands were covered in sparks of electricity. She guessed she really was about to find out what happened when electricity and water mixed. She was scared. Actually, no. That was an understatement. She was petrified. But still determined not to let the Voice see that. He’d be far too satisfied, and she’d love to wipe the smug expression out of his tone.
“I’m sorry,” Amber whispered, meeting Macey’s eyes again.
“I know,” Macey replied, trying to tell her it was alright. And failing badly. They were just two young women in the courtyard of an unknown place, and in the grasp of a sadistic… something. How did she still not know what the Voice was? How was she going to defeat a mystery?
The electricity began to build, and storm clouds rolled overhead. What the hell was Amber? Or was it even her causing this?
“Please forgive me,” the redhead begged.
“Always,” Macey responded, before lightning crashed down from the sky, landing just feet away from where she stood. Despite herself, Macey flinched away.
“No,” Amber tried again, tears beginning to stream down her face, and her mouth set into a determined line.
If Macey had to guess, she’d have said that the Voice had the other woman in her grip, and the fact the lightning had missed her at all, was simply testament to Amber’s sense of control. Most likely due to being locked up for so long.
Macey had to admire that. If they both got out of here alive, then she was going to have to ask. Maybe. Or maybe not. She was already looking forward to forgetting her own time here after all.
In front of her, Amber dropped to her knees, screaming in anguish. This was it then, the moment she lost control. Macey closed her eyes, thinking that not seeing it coming would make the pain easier to bear.
It didn’t. The waiting was almost worse than the pain.
The crackle of lightning coming had her on edge, and she could almost feel it approaching. Thinking of Flint, Jared and Cam as hard as she could, Macey managed to distract herself.
But only for a moment.
The electricity hit her skin, and a singed hair smell surrounded her. But oddly, not as much pain as she expected. Hardly any at all in fact. It was as if the lightning was one with her, though she couldn’t quite wield it.
She opened her eyes, meeting Amber’s surprised face, before smiling slightly. The other girl picked up on what was happening quickly, or she had if the echoing smile was anything to go by. Even so, she stayed on her knees. Hopefully the Voice either couldn’t tell what was happening or couldn’t do anything about it.
Macey felt another surge of electricity as the lightning strike grew stronger. She was even more impressed with Amber now. Even though the Voice had managed to make her use her powers, she’d still managed to hold some back. That must take a lot of mental fortitude.
Twin prickles around her wrists, followed by two loud cracks, had Macey smiling maniacally. The copper restraints were gone, fallen to the floor in pieces, and allowing a surge of her own magic to join Amber’s.