Page 52 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
"How do I get rid of you?" Macey asked, hoping that the evil her would confide that secret. Somehow, the evil people in stories always did share their plans at some point.
"You do know that I can hear you?" the sludge-Macey sneered. "I know what you think, so don't even try and come up with a plan. I'll know what you intend at the same time as you do. There's no chance of you winning. How about you give in now and stop wasting time?"
"I can't do that. You're hurting the Staran and through that, you're destroying the lives of supernaturals all over the place. You need to leave."
Sludge-Macey laughed. "And why would I do that? I like it here. It's a comfortable place, and so many lives to feed from. Whenever someone travels through here, I get to see a bit of their memories. They're delicious, you should try it sometime."
Macey gasped. "You're eating people's memories?"
"Have you not felt confused after exiting the Staran?"
"Yes, but I thought that was normal..."
The voice inside her mind gaggled. "It is normal, ever since I moved in. It's been a long time, and my appetite has grown. So has that of my brothers and sisters. I believe you have met one of them. He doesn't enjoy memories though; his taste is a little different."
"You don't mean the Voice? You can't, no. He's not like you, he's real."
"Who's saying I'm not real? Just because I'm talking to you in your head doesn't mean I don't exist outside of it. I'm only using the dark side of your mind as a host, nothing more, nothing less. I'm giving it a body, just like my brother personifies the Mahoun. The devil. He's a dramatic one, he had to choose the evilest person known to humans."
Macey was having a hard time keeping up. "So, he isn't the devil, he's just impersonating him?"
"Silly Macey. There is no devil, but as long as people believe in one, there's an empty space to be filled. A vacuum that aches for a host. So, my brother took it for himself, taking on some of its perceived traits and looks. It's why he doesn't go outside much. The devil is too hideous to be seen, and he's a vain one."
"How many of you are there?"
The voice - her voice - laughed. "Now that would be telling. I'm not going to endanger my siblings just to satisfy your curiosity. It's time for you to give up."
"Wait, if your brother personifies the devil, whose shape do you take?"
"Haven't you figured it out yet? I'm Self-Doubt. I'm the evil little voice inside everyone's head. And believe me, everybody has it. Especially people travelling through the Staran. People who are travelling always have doubts. Am I going in the right direction? Did I forget something? Am I making the right decision? Should I have brought my sword? Will the journey hurt? You get the picture."
Macey was beginning to wonder why sludge-Macey... Self-Doubt was still talking to her. Why would it freely give up all this information? It didn't seem difficult enough. Unless it was trying to distract her from something important.
She'd learned enough for now. What she really needed to focus on was getting out of the Staran and taking the black blob with her. Then she could go back to the other Wardens and make plans on how to get rid of the other impersonators. Starting with the Voice. And maybe she could celebrate her success with some alone time with her men. She'd not even kissed them properly since they'd been reunited. She missed their touch.
There she was, getting distracted again. Focus, Macey.
She needed to get out of here. But why was thinking getting so difficult? And breathing? Why wasn't she breathing?
Something had to be wrong in the real world.
"Finally figuring it out?" Self-Doubt was whispering. "It may be too late for you."
Panicked, Macey looked around. How did she get out of the Staran? She took a step back, but once again bumped into the barrier. She carefully walked forwards, her arms outstretched. She didn't want to crash into an invisible wall for a second time.
Not far from where the black circle had been on the floor, she found the barrier. So, she couldn't go back into the direction she'd come from either.
Not enough air.
"Nobody has ever died in here before," the voice in her mind said cheerily. "I'm going to enjoy the experience."
"No, you're not," Macey growled. "I'm getting out of here."
But she wasn't all that confident anymore. Black spots were beginning to dance in front of her eyes. Less and less oxygen reached her lungs which were screaming for air.