Page 36 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
This time, it was clearer. The voice wasn't male any longer. In fact, it sounded suspiciously like Macey's own voice.
"That's the idea," the voice, Air, responded. "I'm not a being in my own right. I am just part of one of the other Wardens."
Macey swallowed loudly, wondering whose voice it was Air had been mimicking before.
"The last Fire Warden," the voice said sadly. "He was the last one I joined with, so it was his voice I spoke with."
Macey nodded. That at least made some kind of sense.
"I'm going to meld with you now. But you won't hear from me again after that," Air said.
"I won't?" Macey asked, suddenly finding her voice.
"No. I'll be one with you. My powers will be yours."
"And you'll be able to use mine too?" Macey asked nervously, trying not to think about how weird it was to be having a conversation with someone that sounded just like her.
"No. I have no control at all. I'm just there."
Macey mulled it over for a moment. "So, you're about to vanish as a personality?"
"I suppose. But I didn't have a personality to begin with," Air answered.
"But you must have if you were born at some point?" Macey prodded.
"Millennia ago, maybe. But I've taken on this form for as long as I can remember. Though this is going to be the first time I've been hosted by the Water Warden. I end up with Wind or Earth more often than not."
It was slightly chilling hearing Air talk that way. Especially when Macey couldn't see the person she was conversing with. But there was very little to be done about that. She had to go ahead with this melding, or else the world was going to be more at risk than ever. Plus, it might be good to know more than Cam did for a change. So long as Air would help with her knowledge. She hoped so.
"One last thing," Macey said.
"Hmm?" Air replied.
"Do you have a name?"
Air chuckled. "You know, no one has ever asked me that."
"Indulge me," Macey replied.
"No, I don't have a name. But we, combined, do."
"Will you tell me it?" Macey asked, carefully recalling Sharara's prophetic words. If things were going as they should, then this should be her second name. The one that she couldn't reveal to anyone for risk of being cursed. That didn't sound fun.
"Yes, but you can't repeat it. Not even to your men."
"I know, if I do, I'll be cursed."
"Ah, yes, the cu-sìth
's words," Air said, sounding like she'd be nodding along if she had a body.
"How do you know about that?"
"I know about most of your adventures, I've been with you almost everywhere except Mahoun's keep. I cannot go there without the body of a host."
"Makes sense," Macey muttered, trying to keep her unease at bay. Especially as Air seemed to be able to tell what she was thinking even if she didn't say it aloud.
"Sadly. But seriously, you can't say the name to anyone else."