Page 33 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
"About three weeks," Cam added nervously.
"Great. So, we're a Warden short, and still don’t have any idea what in the waves we should be doing, and we have three measly weeks to do it? Well, didn't this month just get better." Macey turned back towards their host, watching the cloud flooring skip by.
"You might be closer than you think," the sìth in front to her said. "Sometimes answers are closer than you think," she added.
"Unless you know where the Air Warden is, and he or she has all the answers, then I very much doubt we're closer than we think," Macey replied bitterly.
"Have faith, kelpie. Have faith."
The woman pushed open one of the shiny doors, and Macey cringed inwards, hoping to avoid touching it. The last thing she wanted was it stealing her powers like it had to Amber’s.
Actually, that process reminded her a little of Luch, and what the mouse had done to destroy the barrier at the ceasg's pool.
"Come in, then." The woman gestured wildly, and the Wardens hurried into the room.
The walls were made of the same swirling cloud and Macey found herself completely distracted by a pattern on the back wall. There was something about it that called to her.
"You're here," a male voice exclaimed from behind them. He sounded genuinely excited to see them. Which was both a relief, and slightly concerning.
"Hi," Macey said in return, turning around to face the man. He was pretty much exactly what she'd expected. He was like a male version of the woman who'd brought them here. Thin and wisp like.
And beautiful. Far more beautiful than anyone semi-translucent had any right to be.
"I thought sìth were supposed to have pointy ears," she muttered to herself, quietly enough so that no one else should be able to hear.
"We do, when we're in human form," the wispy man replied.
Obviously, she hadn't been speaking quiet enough. She should think before she spoke. That was what her father had always taught her, and she was honestly a little ashamed that she hadn't remembered that in the first place.
"Hello," Amber said nervously, looking at the man oddly.
"Hi," he said, offering his hand for the beithir to take. She did, and he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it.
Amber giggled as his partly there lips brushed against her skin and Macey couldn't work out how she felt about the situation. Up until now, almost every man she'd come across had their attention on her first. Having another woman around was going to take some getting used to.
Izban, on the other hand, had his emotions written all over his face. He was jealous. Macey smothered a smile. She was sure any of her men would have had the same expression if it was her getting the sìth's attention.
At least this was more like the Izban she'd originally met, and not the man he'd apparently become in the months she'd been locked away. Of all the changes that had occurred, that was the most difficult one to fathom.
"You wanted to see us?" she asked, interrupting the moment.
Amber blushed, clashing horrendously with her hair. It must be one of the perils of being a redhead, as well as one of the reasons Macey was glad she wasn't. Clashing with her darker hair was certainly more difficult.
"Yes, I believe I have what you're looking for."
"You have a person?" Macey blurted before she could help herself.
"Sort of. What do you know about the Seelie?" he asked, drifting from side to side as he spoke.
"That they're the good guys?" Macey shrugged, not too sure what he was expecting her to say.
"I suppose in a sense. But you're not supposed to be able to see us. You only can now because we're wrapped ourselves in the clouds."
That at least made some kind of sense. They did appear as if one wave of the hand would cut through them.
"Makes sense. But what does that have to do with the Air Warden?" she asked. Though maybe she shouldn't have admitted that was their goal so soon.
"The Air Warden isn't a person. It's something that must bond with one of you," the man said.