Page 31 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
find them? I should go there to look for myself," Luch mused.
"They found me," Macey said, bewildered by the turn of the conversation.
"Oh, what a pity. Guess I'll just have to find myself some men elsewhere."
"I don't know how you'd cope," Amber muttered, looking at Izban under her lashes.
Macey smothered a laugh. The beithir had made it pretty clear that she didn't want more than just Izban. Macey found it sweet, but couldn't help but compare it to how she'd felt before meeting her men. There'd been no thoughts of having more than one of them from here either. Not even in her wildest imagination.
"Problems for another day, you'd better get going, the sìth will be expecting you."
Beyond the drawbridge and the gate, a beautiful sight awaited the Wardens. Macey had a hard time not walking around with an open mouth, gaping at the scene presenting itself. She'd expected buildings made from the same glittering material as the outside walls. Instead, she was walking on clouds. It wasn't the mist of the Staran, no, it was thick, white clouds that were covering the ground - or maybe they were the ground? It was the same with all the buildings that reached far into the distance: they were made of clouds, their walls white and uneven and looking incredibly soft. Macey was tempted to touch one of the walls to see if she could walk through it. But after what she'd heard of the sìth, she didn't want to make a bad impression on them. This was the time to show some diplomacy.
They carefully walked further into the wide space that stretched from the gate they'd come through to a large, tall building. It didn't quite look like Macey had imagined a fairy palace, but as the biggest house of them all, it had to be the place they were going to.
No fairies were anywhere to be seen. Macey thought she could see some movements behind one of the cloudy windows of a building to her right, but maybe that was just a trick of the light. It was bright here, even though the sky was full of clouds. They weren't grey and foreboding clouds though, but friendly, white, fluffy ones. The kind of clouds children would draw.
They reached the large building, but the doors were shut. There was still nobody that seemed to be expecting them.
"Who did your little blue helper talk to?" Amber asked her almost-boyfriend and he grimaced.
"He didn't say, but I assume it was one of their guards. I'm sure they're here right now, watching us. Shall we try if the doors are open?"
Macey nodded and walked up the steps leading to the two silver doors. They were beautiful and intricately carved, showing sun rays shining down on a crowd of people who were reaching up for the sky. Were those sìth? The carvings were too small to distinguish sìth from humans. Not that Macey had ever seen a sìth, but she'd heard they had pointy ears and were a lot prettier than humans. Which didn't take much; most supernaturals were a lot more beautiful than any human would ever be.
There were no door handles, so she tried pushing the doors inwards. Nothing happened.
Looking back at her fellow Wardens for support - which they gave with a nod - she knocked on the doors as loud as she could.
The silvery metal the doors were made of was surprisingly warm against her knuckles. It definitely wasn't a material she'd find on Earth, but that really shouldn't surprise her. They were in the queendom of the sìth after all. Everything here was going to be strange and unique.
"Go away!" a high female voice called from the other side.
"I'm afraid we can't do that," Macey replied loudly. "We're here on important business that cannot wait." She was using words she'd heard her father use at court, hoping that the sìth were using a similar flowery language here.
"We're not interested in doing business with you!"
Macey sighed. "We're not trying to sell you anything. We're here to offer you our help in return for you giving us some information."
She was bluffing, of course, she didn't even know if the sìth needed any help with something. Maybe everything was fine here in the queendom. Maybe her men had misinterpreted the situation.
"What help could a kelpie, a beithir, a mage and two wraiths give us?"
Oh, so the sìth knew who they were. Or at least what they were. Did they know about Luch and Jared waiting on the other side of the gate as well?
"How about you let us in and we discuss it face to face? I'd really love to make your acquaintance."
No, she really wasn't, but a bit of flattery usually worked.
"I don't. Please leave." The woman's voice was getting ever more high-pitched and angry.
Macey sighed. "We've travelled a long way to get here. If you'd prefer to just talk to us women, the men can stay outside."
The three male Wardens huffed behind her, but she ignored them. Amber and her had proven that they could look after themselves. After all, they'd escaped the Voice without their men's help.