Page 28 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
They had a world to save.
Aos Sìth
Leaving her Aunt was hard. There was something about her that made Macey feel safe and secure. Probably just the blood connection. And she was missing it already.
On the other hand, not having her Aunt about did mean that the awkward questions wouldn't happen anymore.
Even so, telling Luch and Amber about her love life seemed far less weird than telling her Aunt. More like telling friends, even if she wasn't sure if that's what Luch was.
The seven of them were expelled from the Staran with a great thump, resulting in Macey sprawled on top of Jared. Not the worst place to be, but she'd much rather they be up to something different.
"Well, hello there." He waggled his eyebrows at her, and she smiled suggestively in return, before winking at him.
Now wasn't going to be the time for anything fun like that, but she didn't want him thinking she'd lost interest in the past few months. Maybe her men would get the wrong idea the first time they saw her new mark. She mused over whether it would be fun to let them think she and Amber had been up to a lot more than pretending to kill each other when she got it or not. It would certainly be interesting to discover how they felt about it. There was no telling whether they'd come down on the side of it being hot, or if their jealousy would get the better of them.
Not that it mattered anyway. She wouldn't do anything with Amber even if they didn't have their own men each. The beithir wasn't really her type.
From the way she was giggling and leaning into Izban, he was hers though. Even her tail was getting in on the action, as she'd curled it around his waist.
Macey frowned and cocked her head to the side, briefly wondering what it'd be like to have a tail while in human form. Weird and annoying, was her guess. But Amber didn't seem bothered by it. And it actually kind of suited her. An evolutionary trait of beithirs no doubt.
"Are we in the right place?" Macey asked Cam as she got to her feet. She wasn't sure when he'd become their resident compass, but he always seemed to fill that role.
"We sure are." He swallowed nervously, looking up at the slightly imposing building before them.
"It glitters," Macey blurted.
"Yes," Cam replied. "But don't be fooled. Not everything in the queendom is what you expect. The sìth are master magic wielders, and conjuring is their pleasure. What looks like one thing, may in fact be something very, very different. Be prepared for
"Sounds ominous." Macey considered back through all the stories she'd heard about the sìth, which admittedly, wasn't many. She'd learned more of the different races since meeting her men than she had before that. And if her men said to be wary, and that not everything should be taken at face value, then she was going to listen.
"Izban, if you'll do the honours," Flint instructed.
The blue-haired mage unentwined himself with Amber and held out his palm flat. He twisted what looked like a wooden ring, and after a moment, a small blue creature appeared.
Macey let out a squeak of surprise. She really should be used to the weird things that happened when she was around her men. This entire adventure had been a crazy ride. And yet, things just kept taking her off guard.
“Is that a baby Gollum?” she asked in confusion but Izban ignored her.
The blue creature made a series of chirping noises, leaving everyone but Izban looking a bit bewildered.
"Yes, I know you haven't had long to recover. I'm sorry about that, but we're at the sìth queendom now, I'll find you a great offering," he said with a sigh.
The creature chirped again.
"Yes, the others will find you an offering too."
"Hold on a minute," Luch butted in for the first time. "You're not making me beholden to an aos sìth."
The tiny blue fairy put its arms on its hips and glared at Luch. It was about the same size as the mouse shifter, who was riding in Macey's shirt once again. It looked humanoid, except that it was blue, had long pointy ears and limbs that looked a little too large for its body. And right now, it was very, very annoyed.
"Fine, I'll find you something," Luch gave in when the aos sìth began to shout angrily. "Now, can someone explain how that blue-haired mage got himself one of the Folk?"