Page 11 of Into the Mists (Seven Wardens 2)
A lightning bolt hit the ground next to her and she jumped back in surprise. Amber seemed to be convinced that Izban was real.
Another bolt of lightning crashed down at Macey's side, and she almost jumped back. If she was going to have Amber around, then she'd probably better get used to having this happen.
"Amber," she tried to whisper, but her voice was hoarse, as if from a lack of water. That was odd. Unless there were other side effects of the visions the Voice had given them.
There wasn't any answer.
Macey steeled herself, then waved her hand through Izban's still form, completely unsurprised when her hand passed right through him. Another visual trick then.
"Amber, please," she shouted, the wind that was beginning to rage stealing her words. Potentially the other woman's doing too. She'd heard that beithirs were storm creatures, not just lightning ones. "He's not real."
Her words weren't having any effect, and one look at the redhead revealed just how bad things were. Her eyes had taken on a crazed look, and there was no doubt about how mad the woman was.
"AMBER!" she shou
ted even louder, but again, no response.
Sucking in a deep breath, she did the only thing she could think of, and unleashed a ball of water at the girl.
A sharp squeal, followed by a calming in the winds, told her the trick had worked even better than she'd intended.
"What did you do that for?" Amber shouted, venom almost as poisonous as her fangs dripping from her tone.
"He's not real," Macey said softly, ignoring the glares she received in return. "Look." She passed her hand through the still form of the blue-haired man, and Amber's green eyes widened.
"How do I know he's not trapped somewhere here?" Her voice cracked as she spoke, and Macey's heart went out to her. She felt the same way when she thought of her own men in danger, so there was very little doubt in her mind how Amber felt about Izban.
Good job he seemed to feel the same.
"Because I was with him before I was taken," she replied softly, hoping the Voice wouldn't be able to hear her whispers, but knowing that hope was likely in vain.
"You were?" Amber perked up at that, and Macey smiled.
"Yes. He was trying to find you."
Amber sighed. "He's so demanding," she tried to joke.
"And throws a lot of tantrums," Macey added.
"What do we do now?"
"I suppose you try and kill me."
Maybe not her best idea, but they at least had to pretend for the moment.
"That seems a little counterproductive."
Macey cracked a smile. She could get used to having Amber around if she was going to make comments like that.
"Just while we think of an actual plan."
This time, Amber nodded. "Okay, sounds like the best idea we have."
"Which isn't saying a lot."
The red-head laughed. "No, it really doesn't."