Page 6 of From The Deeps (Seven Wardens 1)
“You still haven’t told me what you are?” she said, taking another bite out of her sandwich. She wasn’t going to ignore his warning. He clearly knew Flint well, and if he said Flint would steal her food, then she believed him.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Are you going to tell me?” For his sake, the answer had better be yes. Cam sighed, setting down his food and running a hand through his pale hair, leaving it mussed in a way that had Macey wishing she’d been the one messing it up.
“I can’t really. But mostly because I don’t really know myself. I’m some kind of wraith I think.”
“Like a ghost?” She frowned, he hadn’t felt like a ghost. Nor did he look like one. Which was a highly illogical thought given she’d never actually seen a ghost. For all she knew, they were as solid as she was. Cam laughed goodnaturedly.
“I can assure you, I’ve never died. But I’ve also never met anyone quite like me. Well, and Flint.”
“I’ve met no one quite like me either,” she countered, not liking the idea of not being special.
“I doubt there’s anyone like you, but I mean power wise, I’ve never met anyone like me, whereas I suspect you’ve been around kelpies your entire life,” he said softly.
“True,” she admitted. Actually, this was the first time she’d ever been away from her people for so long. It felt, odd, but freeing. And while she wanted to know that her brothers were alright, she wasn’t ready for that freedom to end. “Has Flint replied yet?” she asked hopefully.
“Sorry, he hasn’t. But the two of them should be back any moment.” He nodded towards her plate as if to encourage her to eat up. She didn’t need telling again, and quickly polished off her food, allowing Cam to clear their plates away.
“Tea, coffee, wine?” he asked as he placed the last of the plates in a dishwasher. It seemed a little odd that they had a dishwasher when they appeared to b
e living completely away from civilisation, but she figured that was something it was best not to question him about. At least, not if she didn’t want to end up with an insane headache and still no answers.
“Just tea, please,” she answered. She’d had her fill of wine during her party years. Now it was good quality whisky or nothing, like the good little Scot she was.
He turned to put the kettle on, but was interrupted by a loud crash from the hallway outside. “There goes any peace,” he muttered.
Two men stumbled into the room, the broad auburn-haired man clearly supporting the other one. The sober man was clearly Flint. She didn’t know how she knew that, she just recognised it as true. Which meant the not so sober man was Jared. She studied him as he stumbled. He was as tall as Flint was, but with a shaved head and dark skin that seemed to have taken on an unhealthy pallor. Due to the alcohol, no doubt.
He looked up and fixed her with an intense dark brown stare that seemed completely at odds with the rest of his intoxicated appearance. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Mind your manners,” she hissed. “Maybe sober up before you speak to me like that.”
He seemed taken aback for a moment, then laughed heartily, bringing some colour back into his pallid skin. “I’m not drunk, little one.” He wavered as he took a step forward, and only Flint’s strong grip prevented him from falling.
“No? You look pretty drunk to me,” she teased, but stopped when he lifted his head and she saw a tiny trickle of blood spill from his mouth. If he wasn’t drunk, then that meant... “What happened to you?”
Ignoring her, Cam stepped forward and helped his friend sit on one of the comfy chairs around the kitchen table. “How long have you been like this?” he asked, face grim.
“About two days?” Jared groaned and wiped away the blood from his chin.
“Fuck, did you learn nothing from last time? You need to feed!” Cam growled angrily, but there was a trace of desperation in his harsh voice.
“Feed?” Macey asked hesitantly, and Jared looked at her with sad, bloodshot eyes.
“I’m a baobhan sìth, lass,” he sighed, as if that would explain everything.
“What’s a baa-van shee?”, Macey asked and he sighed again.
“Don’t they teach you anything nowadays?” Flint interrupted while putting a wet cloth around Jared’s neck. “He’s an incubus, one of the only ones in existence. And right now, he’s starving himself. Again. For some fucking noble reason he won’t explain!” His voice had turned loud and bitter.
“It’s better this way,” Jared whispered hoarsely. He seemed to be getting weaker with every minute that passed.
“What does he need?” Macey asked, fearing she already knew the answer. She’d read about incubi, but never thought that they existed here in Scotland. But then, she’d grown up beneath the water’s surface, far away from all the beings roaming the lands. Hell, she’d only ever learned about humans, and even then meeting them had been a shock. They were so... boring. But this baa...something, was certainly not boring, not at all. He was hot, sexy, beautiful. His skin invited her to touch, and his mouth to kiss,i deeply, passionately. She approached him, hips swinging in a silent dance. Her hands wandered to her blouse, slowly unbuttoning it while keeping her eyes fixed on him, her prize. She was going to make him feel good. She was going to make him better. She kneeled down in front of him, putting her hands on his knees, spreading his legs to give her better access - SLAP. A hand landed on her right cheek and she yelped.
“Snap out of it!” someone called, but she didn’t care. She put a hand between his legs, feeling the bulge making itself known. He was getting ready for her. She smiled as she reached for his zipper - and screeched as she was pulled back, someone’s arms around her chest. Wait, her chest. Boobs. Her nipples hardened at the touch and she turned around, facing her captor. Cam’s stormy grey eyes were fixed on her, so beautiful, so pretty. She stretched until she was on tiptoe, and pressed her lips against his. He didn’t respond so she nibbled on his bottom lip, just a little, to make him open his mouth, and he did, but only to say, “Stop it, you will regret this later.”
She didn’t care, she wanted to kiss him, and more, to fuck him, hard. Someone ripped her away from him and she moaned, needing his touch.