Page 56 of From The Deeps (Seven Wardens 1)
She smiled tensely and walked into the darkness.
Which suddenly wasn’t dark anymore. It was like a curtain had been opened and she now had a clear view of the stage. It was chaotic, to say the least. A lone, cloaked figure was standing in a circle of flames about ten metres away from her. His back was turned to her and judging from his frantic movements, he hadn’t noticed her approach. He was flailing his arms up and down as if to extinguish the flames.
Bright lights were flashing all around him; the same kind she’d seen at the front of the warehouse. They didn’t originate from anything, they were like little lightning bolts racing through the air.
Lightning. Surely not? No, Lightning was a woman, and this was definitely a man.
The hair on her arms stood up as she could feel magic wash over her. The same dread and sense of foreboding that she’d felt outside took hold of her mind. She knew it wasn’t real this time, but that didn’t make her run away any less.
Someone touched her shoulder and the only reason she didn’t scream in fright was that at the same time, a hand was pressed against her mouth.
“It’s me,” Cam whispered and she calmed down. Where the waves had he been hiding? It was bright in here; not an easy place to stay hidden. She was beginning to see that the guys had been in situations like this before. The way the other two had disappeared showed they were good at this. Much better than her. She was glad she hadn’t tripped over her own feet yet. That would have been very much like her. Sometimes, she forgot she didn’t have four hooves.
She didn’t dare whisper back in case they were noticed. But what to do now? They’d found someone, who was definitely not human, but was it a friend or foe? Why had the Staran led them here? Surely not just to see a cloaked guy do some magic tricks?
The fire circle suddenly shot up high into the air and Macey regretted her last thoughts. Maybe not just magic tricks.
Was the fire supposed to almost burn him, though? When he screamed, she realised it wasn’t. Without thinking, she sent some water to him to douse the flames. To her surprise, they fought back. This wasn’t normal fire. She threw her powers against it, slowly overpowering the fire with her own water magic. Steam filled the air as the flames sizzled out. With a shake of her hand, Macey poured some more water onto the circle, just to make sure.
The man was kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. The bottom of his long black cloak had been singed and there was a smouldering hole in his hood, giving her a view of his blue hair.
Ice. They’d found Ice.
“Izban?” she asked carefully and the man jumped to his feet, his hands outstretched. Cam was in front of Macey within seconds, but she gently pushed him aside.
“We’re not here to hurt you, we just want to talk.”
The blue-haired man snorted. “Is that why your two companions are sneaking up on me from behind?”
Macey frowned. She couldn’t see either of them. “Flint, Jared, come out! He’s a friend!” Nothing happened.
He snorted again. “I’m a friend? Since when?” His hands were still outstretched and she could feel the magic in the room sizzle. There was a lot of tension waiting to explode.
“Would you care to put down your arms?” Macey asked calmly. “We’re no threat to you.”
“You keep saying that,” he snarled. “But you attacked me!”
“I did no such thing... oh, you mean the water? But you were burning!”
“Well yes, but that’s not the point! You threw water at me!”
Macey gave him a stern stare. “Would you rather have burned?”
He smiled smugly. “I don’t burn.”
“Because you’re Ice, I know.”
“What?” Now he looked more confused than angry.
Cam sighed. “What Macey is trying to say is that we know you were attacked. We know you’re looking for your girlfriend and we want to help you find her. We also know who has her and that he’s setting a trap for you.”
“You seem to know a lot about me, yet you haven’t even introduced yourselves.” Izban crossed his arms over his chest.
“Apologies, my name is Macey, and this is Camdan.”
“Flint,” a voice suddenly said to her right and the other two guys stepped into view.
“Where the waves have you been?” she hissed and Jared shrugged.