Page 47 of Chasing Aledwen
“Bjorn,” she scolded, but the adoring look on her face said everything. There was a lot of love between the two of them. Aledwen wondered if it was just as obvious between her and the twins.
No. Not love. None of them had used the word yet, and she wasn’t sure she was actually ready yet. Soon though. Definitely soon.
“So, what is it you do, Aledwen?” George Reed asked, and she almost choked on her mouthful.
“I’m a fae Queen.”
“And what is that, dear? Some kind of performer?” Diana asked.
“Mum!” Brandon protested.
“No, it’s being the Queen of the fae. The Spring Fae to be precise.” Aledwen took another bite of pudding, hating the way this conversation was going.
“But you’re so young.”
“Yes, there was an unfortunate set of circumstances that led to my coronation.”
Both of the older Reeds looked a little skeptical, but she was fine with that. They’d son learn she wasn’t joking. Probably around the time their future grandchildren were born, and they came to the palace to celebrate.
“Where did you meet Cyprus?” Diana changed the subject.
“At one of the balls,” Aledwen answered.
“I’m going to clear the dishes. Brandon, want to help?” Ari half-asked, half-demanded, before jumping to her feet and starting to collect the dishes.
“Sure.” He got to his feet and leaned towards Aledwen, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Her eyes half-closed, and a satisfied smile crossed her face. She definitely liked her men’s affectionate sides.
“What is going on here?” Diana demanded, her voice stern, and kind of a little scary.
“We’re clearing the dished,” Ari pointed out dryly.
“She’s Cyprus’ mate.” The woman sounded outraged, and Aledwen had to remind herself to breathe so as not to lose it herself.
“I’m both of their mates,” she said softly instead.
“That can’t be possible.”
“Why not?” Aledwen asked. “I certainly feel the bond as strongly with Brandon as I do with Cyprus, and vice versa.”
“Because it’s wrong.”
“Why is it wrong? If they feel it for me, and I for them, then it’s nothing but right.” She could feel her magic rising up inside her, but had to squash it down again. Losing it now definitely wouldn’t be good. After all, she’d only just gained it full stop. She certainly didn’t have any control of it.
“Let’s just go, Dwen,” Brandon suggested, gesturing to his brother.
“No, don’t bother,” Brandon told her, just as Cyprus slipped his hand back into hers. He always knew just the way to do that which would offer her comfort. “Mum, Dad, I know this may be hard for you, but it’s the truth. Aledwen is both of our mates, and we’re both happy with that. You know where we are when you can accept that.”
Aledwen watched the assembled family’s faces, surprised to see remorse flicker over George’s face so quickly. Less surprisingly, Ari and Bjorn looked equal parts amused and proud. It was Diana that concerned her. There was a clear look of disgust on her face.
Better not tell her what she’d been up to with her twin sons then.
“Thank you for a lovely dinner,” Aledwen said graciously. “I hope to see you again soon.” Hopefully with a little more understanding about the relationship she was part of.