Page 87 of Strangers in my Bed
I’m curious at her instant recognition of me, and tip my head.
“You seemed pretty sure who I was. Did Ant point me out on the way over?”
She laughs again. “No. I, um… I stumbled across your wardrobe at our place.”
“Ah. Makes sense. I imagine that would make me pretty easy to recognise.”
Her grin is almost cheeky. It gives her the cutest dimples.
“It’s quite a story, actually. Ant didn’t tell me your stuff was at the house, so I ended up finding it when my friend Janie stayed over. I had no idea who you were, so I called you Bob. Janie and I laughed about it, wondering if you were some kind of serial killer living across the landing without me knowing.”
I grin back at her, imagining her giggling with her friend.
“You can call me Bob if you like. I promise you I’m not a serial killer though, don’t worry.”
“Nah. I’ll call you Gerwyn. Bob doesn’t really suit you.”
We’re still smiling together when Ant gives her a shout, beckoning her over. I wave her off, amazed by the awesome trot she manages in her mega high heels. She has a sweet bounce about her, and it’s a beautiful contrast to her elegance as she presses against his side. The way she looks up at him is magical, and so is the way Ant looks back at her.
There’s no doubt about it. He is most definitely in love with her.
Georgina and Victoria head my way, smiling their sneaky smiles.
“She’s even hotter than we thought,” Vickie says.
“Yeah, she suits him,” I reply. “They suit each other.”
Georgina leans in closer to me, giving a conspiratorial whisper.
“The guys are already talking about who’s going to try it on if it doesn’t work out between them.”
“Not really a shocker. I imagine there’d be a queue.”
“How about you?” she asks me. “Would you be in the line?”
I groan at her. “Stop trying to pair me up with everyone on the planet, will you?”
“Just saying!” she exclaims.
“Yeah, you’re always just saying.” I nudge her shoulder with mine.
Cassandra leaves Ant and Finn to head across to the bathroom, and that’s Vickie and Georgina’s cue. They dash off to join her, sweeping in for their first girly chat.
Ant goes to the bar, and I’m grateful that I’ve just finished my wine, as it means I can legitimately join him to order another.
He’s already got his drinks on the counter when I catch up. I rest my arms as casually as I can on the bar top next to him, doing my best to play it cool. It doesn’t work, though. I look at his glass, and he scowls, rolling his eyes like I’m an imbecile.
“It’s mineral water, Gerwyn, not damn vodka. Go on and smell it if you like.”
I hold up my hands. “No need, if you say it’s mineral water it’s mineral water.”
“I’ve told you. It’s done. I’m over it.”
“Cool, yeah. Don’t worry, I believe you.”
“Clearly not if you’re scouting out everything I take a sip of,” he says, and I hold my hands up again.
“I believe you, Ant. Just checking.”
“Good, well you can stop checking now.”
I change the subject, since tonight isn’t the night for it. It’s about Finn’s party and Ant’s new girlfriend, so I focus on that with a smile.
“Cassandra knew who I was before I introduced myself. Said she’d seen my clothes in my room at yours. She thought I was a serial killer called Bob.”
“Yeah, that was her and her friend Janie. I’m sure they must have been trashed on champagne.”
I look at him, trying to read his expression.
“How come she didn’t know I live there before she found my things?”
“It never came up in conversation.”
“Ok. Does she know I’m at the apartment, too?”
“Yeah, she knows you stay there.”
“Good. So at least she won’t be all that surprised when I join you back there later.”
“Nah. I’m sure she won’t.”
He picks up his mineral water and Cassandra’s glass of champagne and makes to head back to the group, but I take hold of his arm.
“Honestly, Ant. I’m really happy for you.”
“Thanks,” he says. “So am I.”
I watch him walk away and order myself another glass of wine, keeping an eye on the bathroom door across the room. Georgina and Vickie have definitely taken a hold of her.
There’s been chatter about her for weeks in the office, the whole team speculating on what she’s going to be like. Victoria and Georgina have been trying to check her out online, but found nothing, and Ant hasn’t shown us so much as a picture, telling us she’ll be a perfect surprise.
Predictably, Melvin and Evan are on the topic of Ant’s beautiful girlfriend when I join them at the table.
“We’re all gonna be drawing straws,” Evan says. “Winner will be trying it on with her first if it doesn’t work out with her and Ant.”