Page 54 of Strangers in my Bed
Janie grabs the four of us a coffee and for the first time since I’ve been here, I feel like my clients are becoming true friends to me. We are a foursome of women laughing and joking as we talk through Claire’s wedding options.
Their appointment slot reaches its end way too quickly, and it’s so sad to know it’s over. I let out a sigh as I close the door behind them.
Janie’s still smiling.
“It’s lovely to see you like this. You’re having so much more fun than you were having when you first showed up here. You were amazing then, but you’re even more amazing now.”
“I guess you can thank Ant for that,” I laugh, but she shakes her head.
“No way. It’s you. You’re amazing because you’re you, not just because he makes you happy.”
“Happy enough to be the happiest woman in the world.”
“Yeah, and happy enough to show that you’re the most awesome wedding planner in the world as well, sure, but it’s because you’re brill, not because of him.”
I use the opportunity to ask the question.
“Fancy a trip up to the house this week, since you’re so awesome yourself? We can get a takeout and open a bottle of champagne. I’m sure Ant would be happy for us to share some De Chante.”
Her reply is instant. “Yes, please! I’m absolutely dying to see the place, it’s going to be epic, and I’ve never come close to tasting a glass of De Chante in my life, since two sips would cost more than my wages.” She claps her hands together. “What night fits?”
I shrug. “My schedule is pretty clear. All I’ve ever got in my weekly calendar at the moment is work, and Ant, and a couple of phone catchups with Bucklebury.”
“We’d better get some more cool stuff in your schedule then, since Ant’s away all the time. I’ve got yoga with Penny tomorrow, but how about Wednesday night for De Chante and takeout? We can check out Pizza Delight, they are BRILL, and they deliver up on the hills, too. I’m sure of it.”
“Wednesday is a winner for me,” I say, stomach already rumbling at the thought of a Mexican chicken, stuffed crust.
“You could always come to yoga with us?” Janie asks. “Me and Penny go swimming on a Thursday night too, if you’re up for it. Penny would love to meet you. You’ll get on great.”
I’d usually say no, since the idea of anything keep-fit related generally goes to the back of my priority list, but I get a flash of the sight of Ant looking so sweaty and fit after his gym session, and how he encouraged me to drink mineral water. Maybe a keep fit regime would suit me better than I think.
And him. He’d like it, too.
I find I’m nodding.
“Sure, I’d love to give swimming a try, and yoga. I’m not all that bendy, so maybe I should work on it first.”
“You’ll be fine,” Janie says and lifts a leg up to her side to demonstrate. “You’ll be doing the splits in no time.”
She has no idea how relevant a skill that would be to me. I have to stop myself laughing out loud. It only reinforces it. I need to do yoga along with her. I’ll be much better on camera if I’m as flexible as a gymnast. I agree to swimming and yoga.
My life really is becoming a life here. The best I’ve ever had.
I’m mega excited when Ant picks up the call as soon I get home. He looks tired, with his tie pulled loose around his neck, but whoa, he’s gorgeous. He gives me his trademark smirk as I give him a wave onscreen.
“You look happy, baby. Good day at work? Did you show Janie your necklace?”
“Yeah, I did. And I invited her up here on Wednesday.” I pause. “I’m doing yoga first, though. Tomorrow night. I’m going to be doing swimming and yoga classes every week from now on with her and her friend Penny.”
I love his expression when I tell him that.
“Swimming and yoga? Jesus, Cass, you’re going to look even fitter and hotter than you do now. I’ll be walking around with a hard-on every minute of the day.”
I’d be doing swimming and yoga every chance I could to see that excitement in his eyes.
“Janie’s coming over on Wednesday, then?” he asks. “You going to cook her a casserole?”
I shake my head. “Nope. She’s recommending Pizza Delight. Says they deliver up here.”
He doesn’t look nearly so impressed.
“Casserole would be better, baby. Their pizzas are shit.”
I giggle. “Really? Even their spicy chicken special?”
“Definitely their spicy chicken special. Give them a wide berth and concentrate on your new chef talents.” He flashes me a smile. “On that note, how about I talk you through making a decent prawn gumbo? I’ve left you the ingredients in the fridge.”