Page 26 of Strangers in my Bed
“Thanks,” I say. “That’s really nice.”
“No problem. I hope you like me, too.”
I squeeze her hand again. “I sure do.”
We get busy with work for the day, advising our clients, and I feed off their happiness, loving their smiles. Janie can’t be wrong, and neither can all the story books I love so much. True, impulsive love exists. Even if it is a bit crazy, it’s out there. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones whose prince sweeps me into his arms in a heartbeat. Maybe it really is synchronicity that put my future love into my life while I was crying over the one who left me behind.
I fight the urge and hold off my dreamer temptation to drive up the hills when my working day is done. I’ve almost reached Newton Road when a call comes through. It’s Ant’s name flashing as I click to connect on speaker.
“Hey, baby,” he says. “Shall I instruct you through another recipe tonight?”
“Just on my way back to the apartment actually,” I tell him with a laugh. “I was planning a microwave pasta.”
“Oh right, ok. I thought you’d be at mine.”
The hurt in his voice surprises me. He’s clearly disappointed.
“Did you? I figured I’d invaded your space enough for a few days at least.”
I’m trying to make light of it, but he doesn’t laugh it off with me.
“Honestly, baby. Make yourself at home there. The house deserves it as much as you do. I didn’t build such a beautiful place to have it sitting on the hills proud and empty. A beautiful house like that needs a beautiful woman inside it. Please give it one.”
I hadn’t thought of it quite like that, the sadness of such a stunning place being empty. The compliment about me being beautiful makes me smile.
“You really want me in your house while you’re not there? I dumped a glob of tomato in your kitchen last night. I could be clumsy enough to do a lot worse.”
“I wouldn’t give a shit, Cass. Be as clumsy as you like, it wouldn’t matter. You’d still belong there.”
His words hit me in the stomach. Belong there. It’s his conviction again.
“You going to do it?” he pushes. “Swing that car around, princess, and head up to the hills.”
My case is still on the back seat from last night. I’d have plenty of clothes and toiletries for the morning.
“Is that what you want, really? You want me staying at your place for days on end without you?”
“Yes, that’s what I want. More than anything I’d love to step back in through the door to find the place lit up and happy. Like coming home rather than stepping into a house.”
I can relate to that. My apartment feels the same to me. A place with no sense of life. Nothing but an empty shell with my things inside.
I take the next left onto Rye Street, cutting back through towards Plough Lane.
“Ok, I’m doing it. I’m heading up to yours.”
“Yes! That’s fucking amazing, baby. Please, make it home. It needs some use and some life and some soul in there.”
I’m grinning, happy at the thought, and I know he’s grinning too. I’m already coming to know his voice well enough to see his expression in my mind.
The gates swing open while Ant is still on speaker, and he hears the gravel under my tyres.
“Your house says hi,” I laugh.
“I hope you get to know each other pretty damn well before I get back,” he laughs back as I step through the front door and tap in the alarm code. “Now, how about we get talking you through a chicken and soy stir fry? You must be hungry after work.”
“Sounds fantastic,” I tell him. “Much better than a microwave meal.”
“Better put me on video call, then,” he says.
I smooth my hair down before I do it, nerves still buzzing at the thought of seeing him onscreen since I haven’t touched up my makeup yet, but the nerves are gone as soon as I see his face. There’s no way you could fake the sparkle in his eyes.
“Hey, beautiful,” he whispers.
“Hey, gorgeous,” I tell him, certain there’s a sparkle in my eyes to rival his.
“Let’s get making that stir fry.” His smile turns to a smirk. “Then we can get onto other subjects. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
Again, he sounds so assured. My fears are truly blown away for the first time since Jack sat me down and told me he was in love with Susie.
We talk as Ant instructs me with the stir fry, and it’s already becoming so natural that I feel like I belong here.
“Shit, I’ve got to go,” he says when I’m serving up my meal. “I’ve got an evening of meeting prep ahead of me.”
“No problem,” I reply with a smile.