Page 182 of Strangers in my Bed
I didn’t run to Gerwyn, though. I ran outside. I ran out to get some air and come to my senses.
I’m just glad Gerwyn was out there.
Ant squeezes my arm. “Wasn’t it great to see just how much the crusader cares for you? When he’s with Janie it’s going to be a fantastic little foursome for all of us. We need to do our best to make sure that happens as quickly as it can. We need to push it, baby, for both of them. They both deserve it.”
Yes, they do. I can’t argue with that. And I am looking forward to seeing Janie tomorrow, despite the million and one questions I’m sure to be asked.
“Don’t worry, Cass,” he says. “We’ll slow things down for you from now on. The mattress room can take a break for a while.”
I hug him so tight.
“That’s ok, baby. If you need a time out, you need a time out. I understand.”
I’m surprised at just how relieved I feel when I fall asleep in his arms, and I wake up with the same sense of relief as I see his love for me is still there when he kisses and hugs me.
Thank fuck, I haven’t disappointed him. Not too much anyway. The ease of his affection counters some of the sadness I feel as I prepare to start my final week at work.
Gerwyn is already up when I get to the kitchen. I smile at him with a thanks again for last night, and feel a glow of happiness as I see the warmth of his smile in return. I really am loved in this place.
“You don’t need to thank me for that, Cass. I’ll always have your back.”
“Same goes for you.”
“Coffee?” he asks and I’d really love to, more than anything, but I want to get to the office before Janie; want to be at my desk before the barrage of questions starts. I tell Gerwyn I’ve got an early appointment.
“No worries,” he says, “you have a great day.”
“Thanks, you too.”
I take a breath and grab my keys. Here it comes. Day one of the final five of my career.
I adore the engagement ring on my finger, but I hate the goodbye Wedding Bliss pain I’m feeling in my heart on the drive there.
I let myself in, brew a coffee and settle at my desk, pretending to work on my PC, partly dreading the barrage of questions as soon as Janie sees me, but seemingly not.
“I got the promotion!” she announces, practically dancing through the door. “Fiona called me first thing!”
“Oh my God! Congratulations!” I say. “You’re going to be the Malvern Branch Manager! Well done, you!”
I remember the joy I felt when I was first promoted to that level, and it blows me away. She’s so young to have stepped up that ladder so quickly, and I can see the confidence in her already blooming. She stands tall and proud, with a huge smile on her face. She’s really going to succeed at this, and I’m so proud of her.
Part of me hopes she succeeds in getting into a relationship with Gerwyn. The fire in his eyes last night when he was stepping up to defend me was enough to spin my soul on its axis. He’s everything I could dream of for someone, and I hope that someone is her. I remember the feel of my hand in his. Warm and protective.
If only I wasn’t taken, says the little voice in my head. Yeah, if only…
“What a double whammy of amazing for us!” Janie exclaims, thumping me back to reality. “God, Cass, you’re fucking engaged!”
I show her the ring on my finger and after the wows she spots the new design on my wrist.
“You’re engaged and you got your Jack tattoo covered up. Wow. Things have really been happening this weekend!”
If only she knew even half of it.
We chat around our appointments, and I manage to get through the day without too much regret at my final week countdown. Knowing Janie is going to be stepping into my position really helps with that. It’s an opportunity she gains as I lose, so at least she gets an incredible opportunity on the back of my fuck up.
“How about Friday for our meet up?” she asks as we lock up. “We could have our double whammy of a celebration out at Evesham, yeah? With Gerwyn and Ant?”
“Good idea. I’ll check with the guys.”
The guys are in the kitchen discussing reporting figures when I get back home.
“Evesham Friday night, us and Janie,” I say. “How do you fancy it?”
“Sounds great for me,” Ant replies, and shoots a glance at Gerwyn. “How does it fit with you, crusader? Fancy hooking up with Cass’s protégé over a glorious celebratory dinner?”
Gerwyn nods with one of his charming grins. “Friday works for me. I’ll look forward to it.”