Page 127 of Strangers in my Bed
“He’s been helping you on the road to recovery though, I’m sure,” he says, and I nod.
“Yep, I’ve been very well taken care of.”
He smirks. “How much salad has he pumped into you?”
“Quite a lot. I’ll be growing bunny ears soon enough.”
“And have you glugged a whole reservoir of water down your neck?”
I grin. “Practically.”
“I’ll bet. It’s because he cares so much. He’d do exactly the same with me if he thought I’d listen.”
I take another sip of my drink. “You don’t listen, though?”
“Not to some things. On most things he’s a mastermind, but on others he can get stuffed. I’m not giving up cigarettes, or caffeine, or sugar, no matter how many rants I get.”
We drink coffee in silence for a few seconds before he speaks again, with affection in his smile.
“One of the things I love most about Ant is that he’s a very fair guy. Very principled and very clear. If he sees potential in you he’ll make sure you get every bit of support you need. He did with me. Quite often Nevilles will send their new employee prospects to him, and he’s very astute at reading them, putting them in the position they’re best suited to, or booting them out if they’re not suited at all.”
“I can imagine.”
He smiles. “I’ve thought he was making the wrong call with prospects a few times, but he’s always proved me wrong when the figures get analysed at the end of each quarter. That’s why I’d never challenge him. Not in a professional capacity. He’s too good. Too skilled. Too astute. He’s an incredible man who gives a huge amount of support and strength and loyalty to people.” He pauses. “So long as they’re on the right side of him.”
He chuckles, meaning it as a joke, but it’s not a joke. Not to me. I get a twist in my stomach at that final statement.
“And if they’re not on the right side of him?”
Gerwyn smiles at me with no malice whatsoever, but closes my question down in a heartbeat.
“How do you like the coffee and cupcakes?”
“They are delicious,” I say.
“Excellent.” He finishes his final sip of coffee, his smile still warm. “I’d better get my case unpacked. I’ve also got a shed load of reports to file before tomorrow. These flights are causing chaos to my schedule.”
The nerves come back, that twist of him knowing I’m a slut springing up to take me by the throat, and I hate the thought of him walking away like this, without me knowing for sure what he really thinks of me. I have to face it… I have to…
My fingers are shaking as I reach out for his arm as he goes to pass me. I hate the tremor in my voice as I whisper out a hey, Gerwyn, wait.
He’s almost as astute as Ant is. He takes a long look in my eyes before I drop them from his with a blush. My cheeks are on fire all over again, because I know he knows what I’m thinking, and I know that he knows that I know what he’s thinking… and he knows that… yeah, that. My mind is spinning.
I must look like the guiltiest slut on the planet, because I am.
“I’ve been living with Ant quite a long time now,” Gerwyn says, breaking the silence. “I know quite a lot about him.”
I nod. “Yeah, I figured that might be the case.”
“Figured it might be the case, or he’s told you that might be the case?”
I don’t get the chance to answer before he backtracks.
“That doesn’t matter, forget it. What does matter is that I know Ant very well, and I know what kind of things he likes, and what things he doesn’t. I also know that people can have very similar tastes to his and that’s great. That’s fantastic. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
I knew it. Gerwyn definitely knows I’m a slut in the mattress room…
“Cass, it’s alright,” he says, and I realise I must look as guilty as sin. “People like what they like, and they want what they want. All that matters to me is that they do really want it. There’s no other judgement whatsoever from my point of view, as long as it doesn’t cross over that line.”
I manage to pull my gaze back to his, and his smile is just as warm, and just as bright and his eyes are kind. I could cry with relief that he doesn’t think I’m just a filthy cheap slut under the surface.
But why would he? Ant would tut and shake his head and say told you so, baby, there’s nothing wrong with dirty sex.
He’s right, of course. Ant’s right and I should’ve known it.
“Thanks,” I say to Gerwyn.
“No problem,” he replies, and then he faces it head on, with so much honest confidence it takes my breath. “If you want to use the room at the end of the landing, there is nothing wrong with that. I know what’s in there, and I know what Ant likes to do in there, and that’s none of my business. None at all. It definitely won’t change my opinion of you.”