Page 116 of Strangers in my Bed
He gets out of his suit and heads into the bathroom. I’ve made it under the covers when he joins me, snuggling up nice and close.
“Don’t even think about getting up before lunchtime,” he whispers. “You need to rest up so you’re bright and fresh for Monday. I’ll come and top up your water and bring you food when your stomach is up to it.”
“Maybe you could get Gerwyn to make me a mug of his finest coffee if he’s back tomorrow morning.”
“Good job I’m going to keep our little outburst quiet from him, isn’t it?” Ant laughs. “Or he might well give you the middle finger and tell you to make your own.”
Ouch. That stabs.
“Thank you, for keeping it to yourself,” I say again. “I already see him as a friend.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know. And he sees you as one too. It’s time to start acting like it, and not bringing shit on each other behind my back. This can be your early warning. A chance not to do it again.”
My head is fuzzy enough that my eyes close as soon as Ant flicks the light off. I settle down for a night of sleep in his arms, so grateful and so happy to have him at my side.
I’m lucky I have the chance to have Gerwyn at my side too.
I already care too much to risk losing him, and I won’t be so stupid again.
I’m fresh back from London on the Sunday morning and only just into the kitchen when Ant grabs my shoulders and shunts me into the worktop. My eyes must be flaming in shock until I catch sight of the rage in his, and I know what’s happened in a heartbeat.
I take a breath. “Jesus, I’m sorry, Ant. I should have told you.”
He jabs a finger, his words a nasty hiss. “Yeah, well you fucking didn’t, did you? And you shouldn’t have opened your big mouth in the first fucking place, prick. How the fuck is it your business regarding when or what I say to my fucking girlfriend?”
I shrug, because what else can I do? I can’t defend myself when there’s no excuse.
“I’m sorry. I’ve overstepped the boundaries. I figured she knew when she didn’t, and I can’t fix that now, I can only apologise.”
“She said you were trying to be fucking caring.”
“I was trying to be caring. I just wanted to make sure you’re doing ok.”
“I was doing just fine until Cass screeched at me like a fucking banshee, trashed on champagne last night and had the fucking audacity to call me an alcoholic. It was an embarrassment on all fucking fronts, Gerwyn. Caused by fucking YOU!”
I hold my hands up. “I take full accountability for that. It was my fuck up, and I’m sorry.”
We stand in silence, his eyes still raging. I don’t know what to do, so I wait for him to be the judge on that, feeling like a convict awaiting sentence.
“It’s not just me you’ve fucked up with,” he snarls. “It’s Cass as well. She can say you were being caring all she likes, but you betrayed my confidence and she knows it. I was hoping you’d be good friends, since you’re going to be sharing a house together, but how is she supposed to have faith in you now? How is she supposed to fucking trust you?”
I wince at that. “Cass must know there was nothing sinister about what happened. I wasn’t out to betray you, or cause you shit, and she was well aware of that.”
“You did betray me and cause me shit though, and she fucking knows it.”
The thought is a nasty one, and seems completely out of context, so I take a step forward to rectify it.
“Where is she? I need to say sorry and explain myself. If she misread me like that then I need to put her right on it.”
Ant folds his arms and steps in front of me.
“There’s no need to apologise to her, Gerwyn. She doesn’t know I’m pulling you up on it, in fact, and it’s going to stay that way. As far as she’s concerned I told her you’re a caring friend who overstepped the boundaries and won’t be doing it again. She’s ok with that. She believes me.”
“I’d damn well hope so, because it’s true!”
I narrow my eyes a little, because there’s something a bit shifty about Ant’s demeanour. He’s as confident as ever on the surface, but there’s a tiny crack in his armour I can’t quite place.
“You don’t want me to apologise to Cass? You’re sure?”
His chin rises. “I’m telling you now, don’t you dare fucking apologise to Cass. I’ve worked my fucking ass off to put things right. Just keep your big fucking mouth shut with her from here on in. Being friends with her doesn’t mean you should snipe about me behind my fucking back every chance you get.”