Page 2 of His Needs (Curvy Women Wanted)
Storming into Jared’s room, she expected to find his room a mess, but he surprised her by having a very nice space.
If he could keep his room tidy, then why the hell couldn’t he keep the kitchen clean? It was their communal space.
This was why she needed to set rules, and starting from this evening, she was going to force him to agree to them.
Growling, she stomped her heeled shoe on the floor and then walked back to the kitchen, getting all her aggression out on the plates and saucepans. The man was a pig. There was nothing she could do to make him leave. The rent was ridiculous, and even though her business was a success, she didn’t want to run the risk of going into debt.
With the dishes cleaned, dried, and put away, she grabbed her bag and left their apartment, being sure to lock the door behind her. She took the stairs to her car and smiled at some of the neighbors as she passed, trying to build up good relations.
Once inside her car, she turned over the ignition and headed straight toward Jared’s workplace. He didn’t own the garage, but he was one of the best mechanics around. It probably helped that the garage was owned by his best friend, Phil.
Gripping her steering wheel tightly, she saw the large, obtuse sign and quickly brought her car to a stop. After applying the hand brake, she stepped out of her car. Then with hurried steps, she found the man she hated so damn much. He stood next to a car, assessing it with a clipboard in his hands.
The moment she was close, he turned to face her, and this lazy-ass smile flooded his lips. Why did he have to look so sinfully attractive? This just made her hate him a little more.
“Don’t you dare smile at me,” she said.
“What’s got your panties in a twist, babe?”
“Don’t you babe me either. Have you heard of washing up? Soap? Boiling water? Scrubbing brush?”
He clicked his tongue and dropped his clipboard. With his other hand, he scratched his head. “Don’t have a clue what any of those mean.”
“Oh, shut it, Jared. Seriously. Clean up after yourself, okay? I’m not going to live in a pigsty. That’s our apartment. I do my part to make it livable. You need to start doing your own.” She glared at him and wanted to hit him, but instead, she just shook her head. “We’ve got a meeting tonight, at the apartment. Be there.”
Jared Point watched his little roommate walk away. The sway of her ass was just too damn tempting to deny himself. Moving in with Gina had been a huge mistake. He shouldn’t have done it. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t need the apartment. The place he had before wasn’t half bad, but he’d been saving and wanted to move.
That apartment had been a beacon.
The thing was, so was Gina.
Ever since she’d returned home, she had been constantly on his mind, in his thoughts. Going for the same place to rent just seemed like the universe or fate, or whatever, was trying to throw them together.
He smiled as he watched her climb into her car and drive off.
Phil, his best friend, whistled. “She looks pissed.”
“I’ll bet.”
Leaving the dishes last night had been incredibly hard. Unlike some of his friends, he never inherited the slob gene, so just leaving random plates and saucepans to wash up didn’t bode well with him. However, he did it just so Gina would have a reason to come to him.
They’d been living together for a few months now. Jared had expected them to at least talk or have something civil to say to one another, but instead, she acted like he didn’t exist. He couldn’t have that.
So, not doing dishes brought her around to him.
He could imagine her having a whole list of chores for him to do, and he intended to shirk on each and every single one.
“I know that smirk, and it never ends well,” Phil said.
“Shut up. Get back to work.”
“Hey, I’m the boss between us.”
“Please, the boss you might be, but we all know who runs the place.” He and Phil were the only two from their high school days who hung out. The rest of the guys had settled down with the high school sweethearts they knocked up, or they’d headed off to college.
For him, college had closed all doors as he hadn’t gotten the grades. Spending way too much time playing sports and partying, and not enough time studying, hadn’t helped. Jared couldn’t even remember some of the lessons, which was why he’d also started to take some additional night courses.
Phil’s dad was a real gem. He’d seen the potential in him fixing cars on his lot, so he’d helped to send him to college, to learn the ins and outs of cars. The deal was that he had to work for him for at least ten years, and seeing as Jared had no intention of leaving town, he agreed.