Page 75 of Blindsided
The crowds parted for me, and I was vaguely aware of curious eyes on us, but I didn’t care. Something was happening here; something monumental.
“Hi,” I whispered when I was in his space, close enough to touch him. “I didn’t think you’d be here.”
His tongue darted out to swipe across his lips, and then he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. This close, I could see that the light dusting of stubble on his jaw was more pronounced than usual, and the dark smudges under his eyes were more prominent than I’d first thought. Fuck, I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and hide us both away from the rest of the world.
“N-Noah.” His voice cracked, and I realised that his body was trembling. I wanted so badly to touch him, to reassure him that I was here for him, but I didn’t know how he’d react.
“Noah,” he said again. “I’m…I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean…I needed to get my head straight…” Trailing off, he rubbed his hand across his face, and when he dropped it, the agony in his eyes was too much to bear. I took a step closer, daring to curve my fingers over his wrist. He flinched, his gaze darting down to where I was touching him. Then he took a deep, shuddering breath and closed his eyes.
“I’m… I’m bi.”
It felt like the room had gone completely silent, although maybe it was just the people in our immediate radius because I was dimly aware of distant noises. But my whole focus was on the boy in front of me.
Stroking my thumb over the pulse point on his wrist, I stepped even closer so our bodies were almost brushing against each other. “Breathe, Liam. I’m so fucking proud of you.”
He gave a small, jerky nod, his pulse pounding under my thumb, and he exhaled shakily again.
“You’re going to be okay. I’m here for you. Always.” I voiced the words, soft and low, just for him.
His eyes flew open, and they were burning. They fixated on me, and he closed that final bit of distance, his free hand coming up to cup the back of my neck. “I hope you mean that, because I want you.Onlyyou, Noah.”
My fucking heart lurched at his admission, and I blinked away the sudden moisture in my eyes. “You want me? How?”
He gripped me tightly, his shaking fingers pressing into the sides of my neck. “I want…I want to be with you. Properly. I want you to be my boyfriend.” Uncertainty entered his eyes as they searched mine, and he bit down on his lip. “Is…is it too late?”
I shook my head, swallowing around the lump in my throat as our gazes held. Everything I wanted, within reach, if I took this chance.
“It’s not too late,” I whispered.
As soon as the final word fell from my lips, his mouth was on mine.
“Fuck,” he muttered against my lips when we broke apart to catch our breaths. “I missed you.”
I buried my face in his neck, sliding my arms around his waist. “I missed you too. So much.”
He huffed out a laugh that was filled with relief, wrapping his arms around my body. He was warm against me, his heart rate slowing as we just held each other, standing there in the kitchen while the crowds of people came back to life around us, turning their attention elsewhere.
“Finally got your shit together, Holmes?”
Raising my head, I saw Travis smirking at Liam, who shot him a glare. A wave of protectiveness rolled through me, and I loosened my grip on Liam, twisting in his arms so I could face Travis properly.
“This isn’t something to joke about, okay?”
The smirk was instantly wiped from Travis’ face, and he gave us both an apologetic smile. “Sorry. Didn’t mean anything by it. But you know you two have been completely obvious, right?”
“We have?” I craned my head around to look at Liam. He shrugged and dropped a kiss to the side of my face, his cheeks flushing.
“Yeah. When I say you've been completely obvious, I’m saying I doubt there was anyone on this planet who didn’t know there was something going on between you two,” Travis informed us, back to smirking again. “You’re about as subtle as a sledgehammer, FYI.”
Ander sauntered over, sans girl. “Actually, Trav, some of us weren’t aware.” He rolled his eyes at Travis, then turned to Liam. “I didn’t know anything was going on between the two of you. I was joking when I said you wanted Noah’s dick, Liam. But you actually do? Wouldn’t have guessed it. I s’pose that means I’ll be holding interviews for a new wingman now.”
“Sorry, mate.” Liam didn’t sound sorry at all. Angling his head, he pressed his mouth to my ear. “Now I’m gonna do something I’ve been wanting to do for so long. I’m going to mark you up so everyone knows you’re mine.”
His mouth dipped lower, and he kissed the spot right beneath my ear. I bit back a whimper and tried to focus on anything but how good it felt to be surrounded by his body heat with his lips on my skin, otherwise I was in serious danger of getting a boner in front of our friends.
But then his mouth was on the side of my neck, all hot, wet suction, and I was gone.
“Bedroom,” I tried to say, but it came out as more of a moan. Ignoring the sounds of amusement from our friends, he moved us in the direction of the kitchen door, not releasing his grip on me, marking me again, this time using his teeth.
We somehow made it out of the kitchen and stumbled up the stairs, where he spun me around and shoved me up against the wall, grinding his hard dick into me.
“You’re mine,” he rasped.
“Yours. And you’re mine.” I kissed him, hard, and he moaned into my mouth.
Drawing back, he met my gaze through heavy-lidded eyes, dark with lust. “Fucking right I am.” He nipped at my lip, then licked over it to ease the sting. “You’re gonna fuck me now, and then later, I’m gonna fuck you.”
Oh.Yes. I was 100 percent on board with that plan.