Page 59 of Blindsided
I groaned. “That night. Why the fuck did we think it was a good idea?”
Travis snorted with laughter. “Blame it on the alcohol. We got all these bin bags and washing-up liquid and set them up. Ander was drinking with us, and he volunteered to go first, trying to show off to the older guys. He only had one foot out of the door when he slipped, skidded all the way down the path, flew out onto the pavement, and smacked straight into a parked car. The car alarm started blaring—this was about two in the morning, and everyone thought it was hilarious. Ander took it all in stride—he somehow managed to climb straight to his feet, even though he could barely stand, and then he took a bow. All of us were shouting and cheering, and the alarm was still blaring.”
“You were allsodrunk. And so loud—I’m surprised no one called the police. Then you wanted to have a go and I told you not to,” Kira interjected, shaking her head at Travis, although she was clearly trying not to laugh.
“Yeah, but Liam talked me into it.” Travis threw me under the bus. “I wasn’t as lucky as Ander. I managed to skid off to the side and mashed my face into the wall. I had the worst black eye for about a week afterwards.”
“You’d better not be blaming me for the choices you make under the influence. Drunk you is a twat,” I informed him, and he gave me the middle finger.
“Interesting. So the car park incident isn’t the only thing you refuse to accept the blame for.” Noah’s voice sounded beside me, and my head shot around to meet his gaze. A teasing grin was on his lips, and his eyes were sparkling with humour.
“Don’t fucking start. Wanker.” I lightly shoved at him.
“Bellend.” He shoved me back, his grin widening.
Travis laughed. “I got payback anyway. Liam got so wasted that night, he slept through his first lecture the next day, and then when he managed to drag himself onto campus, he ended up in the wrong lecture hall. Sat through…what was it? Forty minutes of a lecture on ancient Greek philosophers before you realised?”
“Don’t remind me. I was so confused. I must’ve still been a bit drunk or something, because how the fuck could I confuse ancient Greek with my marketing module?” I buried my face in my hands while everyone laughed at me.
“Yeah. It took you forty minutes to realise, mate.Forty minutes.”
After he was done reminding me of my mistakes, Travis moved on to other stories, and I settled back into my beanbag, swigging from my beer every now and then.
The conversation eventually quietened down. By the time I returned from getting another beer, Damon was deep in discussion with Preston, something about football, and Travis and Kira were more or less falling asleep, wrapped up in each other. That left just me…and Noah.
When I was back in place, I tilted my head to the side, resting it on the beanbag. Noah was already watching me.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi.” I ran my gaze over him, watching him shiver under my scrutiny. Wait, was he cold? Reaching out, I pressed my fingertips to the back of his hand. Fuck, hewascold. Before I could think it through, I was tugging my black LSU hoodie off. I was warm anyway, and I had a blanket.
“Wear this.”
His eyes widened as I thrust my hoodie at him. “Are you—”
“Noah, you’re fucking freezing. Put it on.”
“Okay.” He gave me a smile that was almost shy, and then pulled it over his head. “Thanks.” A sigh fell from his lips as he burrowed into the warmth, tugging the sleeves down over his hands.
The sight of him wearing my hoodie…it made me feel things that I’d never felt before.
Things that scared me.