Page 35 of Blindsided
Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when I walked into the lounge the next morning. The boy I’d spent the night trying to get out of my head was fast asleep on the sofa, his arm hanging off the side, his fingertips brushing against an empty bottle of what looked like vodka.
But it was how he was lying that made my breath catch in my throat. That, and the fact that he wasn’t alone.
He was sprawled on his stomach, one leg hooked over Elliot’s. If that wasn’t bad enough, his left arm was draped across Elliot’s stomach, and Elliot’s arm was curled over his back.
They were fuckingcuddling, and they looked way too comfortable doing it.
I guess our kiss hadn’t meant anything to him, then.
Turning on my heel, I stalked out of the room, shoving my way past Travis, who had appeared in the doorway behind me. I ignored his exclamation of surprise, needing to get out of there before Noah woke up.
In the kitchen, I shovelled cereal into my mouth as fast as I could, ignoring Travis, who’d followed me into the kitchen, until he sat down on the bench opposite me with a loud thunk.
“What happened last night?” He stared at me.
“What do you mean?” I asked around a mouthful of cereal, playing dumb.
Drumming his fingers on the table surface, he raised a brow. “How about the way that I had to hear Kian throwing up when I walked past Preston’s door just now, the fact that you look like someone pissed in your Cheerios, and then there’s Noah cosying up with our neighbour in the lounge. I’ll ask again, what the fuck happened last night?”
I was saved from replying by Damon’s arrival in the kitchen, looking like he was still half asleep, rubbing at his eyes. “Preston wants to know if anyone has any painkillers.” He snorted out a laugh. “Him and Kian are hungover as fuck.”
“Yeah. Top cupboard, left-hand corner.” Travis pointed a thumb in the direction of the cupboard, then turned back to me. “Explain.”
“I don’t know, okay? I left the club early. They were drinking before they went out; they must’ve overdone it. How the fuck am I supposed to know?”
A disappointed frown creased Travis’ brows. “What about Noah and Elliot?”
Noah and Elliot.Noah and Elliot. The words played on a loop in my mind. I fucking hated them.
“Babe. Want a coffee?” Kira wandered in, leaning down to kiss the top of Travis’ head. He reached out and caught her hand in his, pressing a kiss to it, then nodded. But he kept his gaze fixed on me, waiting for my reply.
“I don’t know,” I bit out through gritted teeth. “Why do you think I have all the answers? I know as much as you do, probably less.”
Kira turned from her position in front of the coffee machine, eyeing us both with interest. “Who are you guys talking about?”
“Go and look in the lounge.” Travis shot me a sly glance, and I glared at him.
A minute later, she’d returned, a beaming smile on her face. “Oh! They’re so cute together. I’m so happy E’s found someone as nice as Noah.”
I wanted to slam my fist through a wall. Or maybe punch Elliot, even though he was a sort of friend. Well, he was Ander’s best friend, and Ander was one of my close friends.
“You don’t seem happy.” Kira’s attention was suddenly on me. I clenched my fist around my spoon.
“Ignore him. He’s like that all the time lately.” Travis took the mug of coffee Kira handed to him and then grinned at me. “I think he needs to get laid.”
Kira’s expression immediately turned sympathetic. “Aww, Liam. Want me to introduce you to some of the new girls? You haven’t met Flick yet, have you? She’s your type.”
“I don’t have a type,” I muttered, scraping the last of the cereal from my bowl. Finally, I could escape my nosy housemate and his well-meaning but misguided girlfriend. I didn’t need anyone pitying me.
Instead of heading straight up the stairs though, I did the worst thing I possibly could. I headed across to the lounge and peered around the door.
At first, I didn’t see them. But then, as I moved to the left, they came into view. Noah was standing in the middle of the room, wrapped in Elliot’s arms, his head buried in his shoulder.
My stomach churned. I didn’t stop to see anything else. Shoving my feet into my trainers, I got out of the house as fast as I could.
* * *