Page 33 of Blindsided
My mouth?Hisfucking mouth. I’d never had a kiss like this in my life. All-consuming, obliterating my senses, making me want more, and more, and more.
Nothing else mattered except for the feel of his lips on mine.
The moment was broken when someone bumped into me, and my brain came back online, reminding me where we were.
Then the panic set in. My heart rate, already increased from the kiss, sped up even further. Shit, what if anyone we knew had seen us? What if they asked questions? How the fuck was I going to answer? I broke away from Noah, spinning around and heading in the direction of the corridor that I could see at the side of the room, over by the bar.
Big. Mistake. Really fucking big mistake. I turned a corner and stopped dead. Noah, who’d obviously followed me, ran straight into my back, sending us both staggering forwards before I regained my balance. Under the dim, blueish lights, I could make out the writhing bodies pressed up against the corridor walls, and the fucking noises coming from them…it was way, way too much.
“Fuck,” Noah muttered, taking in my panic. His head twisted, and then he squeezed my bicep. “This way.” His voice was decisive, and his hand on my arm was a reassuring weight. I let him lead me down the corridor and around another corner, and suddenly, fresh air was hitting my face.
He didn’t stop, winding through the people grouped around the area, mostly talking, smoking, or drinking. When we reached the far side of the outdoor space, he glanced around us for a minute before dragging me into a corner, next to a small high wooden table with stools that were bolted to the floor.
I collapsed onto one of the stools, leaning my head back against the brick wall behind me.
The concern in his voice was clear, but I couldn’t look at him. Now we were out in the open air, away from the heady atmosphere of the club, everything was crashing over me. I closed my eyes, gripping the sides of the stool in an attempt to ground myself.
“Liam.” His hand brushed against my arm tentatively before dropping. “I’m sorry.”
My eyes flew open. He was shifting on his feet, his dark lashes hiding his eyes from me as he stared at the ground.
What was I supposed to do now? He was messing with my head, but I couldn’t let him take the blame. It wasn’t his fault, and I’d been an active and willing participant in everything that had gone down between us. “Don’t apologise.”
“Yeah, but I shouldn’t have pushed. I know you’re not…” Trailing off, he shrugged, still staring down at the floor.
A loud clatter sounded next to us, and we both jumped. Noah’s gaze darted to the left, then back, and his eyes finally met mine. He looked so distressed, I couldn’t handle it. I sucked in a breath. “Look, let’s just forget tonight happened, okay?”
His gaze shuttered. “If that’s what you want.”
The problem was, I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t know anything. It felt like my entire world had been turned on its head.
“It’s what I want,” I said, and I hoped he couldn’t hear the lie in my voice.