Page 31 of Blindsided
The DJ crooned something into the microphone that I didn’t catch because all my attention was focused on a gorgeous blonde girl who had sidled up to Liam, trailing her hand down his arm. How was it, even here in a gay club, he still managed to attract female attention?
Suppressing the unwanted jealousy, I made a snap decision, turning to Elliot. “Want to dance?”
His face lit up, and he held out his hand. “Fuck, yes.”
Caught up in the sea of bodies, I lost myself in the beat. Elliot pressed up behind me, hands resting on my hips as we moved to the music. He angled his head forwards, his lips brushing my ear. His body ground against mine, our positions intimate, and yet…I felt nothing.
“He’s watching us.”
It took me a second to register Elliot’s murmured words, but then I tilted my head towards him, my lips barely forming the words. “Who?”
“Liam,” he breathed in my ear, his hands sliding from my hips to my stomach.
“W—what?” My gaze arrowed straight to the one place I’d been purposely avoiding looking at.
There he was. Illuminated by the club lights, a rainbow of colours sliding over his gorgeous body in a smoky haze, he commanded every single bit of my attention.
Completely ignoring the girl next to him, who now had her arm around the waist of another girl who was kissing down her neck, he was watching me intently, his fists balled up and his jaw clenched. A bright light swept across him, and I got a good look at his eyes in that moment. They were boring into me. So, so dark, and angry, and heated.
A sound escaped my throat that I hadn’t even intended, and Elliot chuckled against me. “He wants you.”
“He’s straight,” I protested.
“I thought so too until you came along.” Elliot pressed closer to me. “Want to fuck with his head a bit?”
Angling my head further, I kept my eyes fixed on Liam. His gaze was burning into me, and it made my breath catch, my stomach flipping. “What do you mean?” Whatever Elliot’s plan was, it had “bad idea” written all over it.
“What will he do if I do…this?” Elliot slid a hand up over my abs, up to my chest, while he nuzzled his nose into my neck.
I watched, fascinated, as Liam downed his drink, then slammed his glass down on the bar with such force that the guy on the other side of him jumped. He clenched and unclenched his fists, still staring at me, and I sucked in a sharp breath at the dark look on his face.
“My work here is done,” Elliot murmured. “Maybe you can return the favour for me someday.” Releasing his grip on my hips, he melted into the crowd.
I barely even noticed him leave.
There was nothing to lose. Lifting my hand, I crooked a finger at Liam, tilting my head in a silent invitation.
Time seemed to stand still.
He pushed away from the bar and stalked across the dance floor, straight towards me.