Page 42 of Lover (Betrothed 3)
Hades kept his eyes on me even though the doctor was talking. “I told you we were having a son.”
“Yeah, I just hope you’re right about the other thing too.”
The doctor pulled out a paper from the file and placed it on the counter beside us. “The paternity test checks out. Mr. Lombardi, you are a match.”
Hades didn’t react at all, not even a blink. A smile didn’t creep onto his lips because he wasn’t happy at the news. How could he be happy when he’d already known he was going to be the father?
I grabbed the paper off the counter and looked at it with my own eyes. “Oh my god…”
“I told you.”
The doctor excused himself from the room, and we were left alone.
My hands started to shake as I held the results. Without my even realizing it, tears welled in my eyes. The drops became so big, they fell and splattered on the page. My chest ached with both pain and relief. I’d been terrified to raise the child of my tormentor. I would’ve loved that child anyway, but I would love it so much more if Hades was the father. Hundreds of pounds of weight were lifted from my shoulders. And I could finally breathe again. That asshole had no hold over me anymore. I never had to think about him again. I could move on with my life without looking back.
Hades wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. He held me as I sobbed and made the ink run on the paper. My makeup was destroyed, and my mascara trailed like rivers down my cheeks. This was what I’d wanted more than anything else…to have this baby with my husband.
“It’s alright, baby.” His hand moved to my stomach, and he cupped it with his large palm. “We’re a family…the three of us.”
I could barely speak through my tears. “I was so scared. I wanted you to be the father. I needed you to be the father. I’m so happy it’s you. You’ve been such a good husband to me, and I know you’ll be an incredible parent.”
His eyes stilled as he looked into mine, caught off guard by what I said. It seemed like he wanted to disagree with what I’d just said, but he never did. “I’ll spend my life taking care of both of you. The two of you are the most important things in the world to me.”
I looked into his eyes and saw sincerity shine through. “I know.”
I was a whole different person.
I was living in a dream, the kind you never wanted to wake up from. My life was stable once again, and I was actually happy. Now that I knew Hades was the father of my son, I was so excited to be a mother. I was excited to start our family. I didn’t know how I was going to balance my job and my kids, but I was determined to figure it out. I could leave the kids with my mother, but I didn’t want her to watch them. I wanted to watch them.
I sat in the office at the hotel, my thoughts drifting to baby clothes and diapers, when my phone rang. It was Damien, so I answered. “I have some really good news…”
His tone was always melancholy now. With Hades still so cold to him, Damien seemed to have lost his spirit. It was profound in his tone of voice, the way he always seemed half asleep or depressed. “Yeah?”
“Just got the results from the doctor and Hades is the father.” It was ironic that I talked to Damien as a friend when Hades wasn’t even his friend anymore. I was used to having Damien in our lives, and it felt odd that he wasn’t there anymore. He’d screwed up big time, but I knew his heart was in the right place. He cared about me, and he certainly cared about Hades.
“That’s fucking great. Thank God.”
“Yeah, I was pretty scared. Hades was so confident that the baby was his, so he didn’t seem concerned about it. But I was a total wreck.”
“Yeah, Hades has a sixth sense when it comes to stuff like that.”
He was passionate about his decisions and so stubborn that he could never change his mind. He thought he was right about everything…and maybe he was. “I’m so happy he was right.”
“Good. Now you can move on. And congratulations on the baby. I don’t think I ever told you that.”
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my legs under my desk. “Thank you. We weren’t ready to start a family just yet, but I’m glad that it happened.”
“Hades will be a good father. He’s the best guy I know.”
Listening to the pain in his voice made me so sad. “He’ll come around.”