Page 34 of Daddy's Little Promise (Daddy 21)
“What do you think?” Emily asked, surprising the woman.
“Oh, well, I don’t judge.”
Emily had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at her outright lie.
“But the normal relationship is between an adult man and a woman around the same age. For God’s sake, he’s old enough to be your father.”
Emily smiled. “He is my daddy.”
The counselor’s eyes widened. “That’s even worse. A relationship in which the woman acts more like a child is despicable. You need to act like an adult and don’t pretend or play games.”
“Tell me this, are you against gay people?” Emily asked.
Emily saw the look of revulsion on her face before she hid it.
“You want to know what I think, Miss Thomas?”
“What?” Susan said.
“My opinion is everyone is the same and should be treated with respect. Who am I to tell someone what they should be doing?”
“That’s very sweet, but it’s not how the world works.”
“You’re right. Because of people like you.”
Susan gasped. “Now listen here, you little bitch. I am here to help you, not get analyzed by you, and if you keep up the attitude, I’ll tell Mr. Warner.”
“I’d just tell him the way you’ve been acting,” Emily said.
“He’d believe me over you. I’m a well-respected counselor, and you’re nothing but a whore.”
Emily tried not to flinch at that and raised her chin. “For one thing, I’m not a whore and never have been, but I also don’t think you’re well-respected either.”
Susan started shoving things into her bag. “That’s it. I don’t need to put up with this shit. I hope he kicks you out of the house.”
“We’ll have to see.”
Emily followed Susan into the office. She was a little nervous about her telling Grey she was disrespectful.
He smiled at her from his desk when she walked in the door. “Baby, will you close the door, please?”
She nodded and closed it.
“Come here,” he said and held out his hand.
She walked over and took his hand.
“Are you both all done?” he asked.
“Yes,” Susan began snidely. “This woman is extremely disrespectful, and I don’t think I can work with her anymore.”
“I agree.” He squeezed Emily’s hand when she stiffened. “I don’t think you’ll be working with anyone ever again.”
Susan looked confused. “What does that mean?”
“Well, after you left last time, my sweet girl here hid, and then when I found her, she acted like she did when we were at that prick’s house.”