Page 22 of Daddy's Little Promise (Daddy 21)
“Daddies?” she asked.
“They’re not their real daddies. They have a special kind of relationship. It’s called DD/lg. They are together in an adult relationship, but the girl will call the man her daddy.”
“Because he wants to be her whole world and take care of her. The name daddy is just another way to say honey or sweetheart, but the meaning is deeper in that type of relationship.”
She studied his face. “Is that what you want?”
He nodded. “Yes, but only if it works for you.”
“So, what would I have to do?”
“Just be my sweet girl and let me take care of you. I like to be in control, so I’ll want to make most of the decisions, and you’ll have to ask me for permission to do anything, but I swear to you, all I want is for you to be happy and safe.”
She just realized what else he said, and her mouth dropped open. “They really want to be BFFs with me?”
Her expression fell. “What if they find out about … you know … before?”
“That’s up to you to tell them if you want, and frankly, there is absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about a situation you had no control over. Besides, many of the girls you’re going to meet have been through difficult times. Think about this. That day I was there to get you, you had the courage after everything that happened to take a huge step and leave with me, a man you didn’t know. I might have looked scary at first. I knew you were afraid, but you still did it, and I was so proud of you.”
“I was so scared. I kept worrying if you were worse than him, but then I thought there’s a chance you were a decent guy. So I had to take the chance and go with you.”
“The way I look had to have scared you even more.”
“You are very big.”
He snorted.
“And you make this hard face sometimes that’s scary,” she said.
“Does my scar bother you at all?”
She looked confused. “What scar?”
Grey laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Larkin says I look like a villain.”
He grinned when Emily stiffened and growled. “That’s not nice. I think I should tell her that. Did it hurt your feelings?”
“Not at all. I took it as a compliment.” He chuckled.
“I don’t like meeting people. I’m an introvert. That’s why I work from home. So, if I look a little mean, most people will stay away from me.”
“Am I an introvert?”
He thought about it for a moment. “Yes, I think you are. You don’t like the rest of the world telling you how to be, and you won’t like crowds, but I think you’ll want to be around your new friends a lot.”
He glanced at the time. “Dinner’s about ready. Why don’t you freshen up, we’ll eat, and then the girls will be here.” He kissed her temple and rolled out of bed.
“Are you sure they’ll like me?”
He faced her. “Baby, there’s no way they won’t love you.”
She nodded.
“Now, go. I’ll meet you downstairs.”