Page 24 of Daddy's Little Secret (Daddy 20)
She was just putting on her socks and shoes when the guys came out of the bathroom.
“How’d he do?” she asked.
“Pretty darn good.”
“He’s getting better.”
“I thought about calling out for breakfast.”
She shook her head. “I’ve got the fixings for French toast.”
Cat almost smiled when he hummed. She had forgotten that he had always loved her toast. A streak of pain hit her chest from the memories, and she turned away from him.
They followed her out to the kitchen. “If you want to watch him, I’ll make breakfast.”
King hadn’t put Corey down yet, and she could tell he enjoyed being with him. Within thirty minutes, the bacon and toast were made, and she went to get the guys. Tears stung her eyes at the picture of the two of them together on the floor. God, they were so much alike. King was on his stomach facing Corey as the boy showed and told him about every truck he had there.
She knew at that moment her son needed to spend whatever time he could with his dad. It probably wasn’t going to be much because King worked a lot, but she’d feel better that he was getting anything.
“Hey, guys. Breakfast is ready.”
King stood, lifted Corey, and tossed him up a little. Not enough to scare her, but Corey loved it and squealed.
There was no way she’d be able to do it. The boy was just too heavy.
They had a pleasant breakfast, but she watched the two rather than actually eating.
“What are your plans today?” he asked her as he helped her with the dishes.
“I’m planning on packing up and going back to my house.”
“I’d like to talk about that.”
She put the last glass away and turned to face him. “About what?”
“Can you come into the living room so we can talk and watch Corey at the same time?”
She nodded and followed him, then sat on the floor with Corey but faced King as he sat in the chair. “What?”
“I want you to think about moving in with me,” he said.
She could feel the color drain from her face. “No. God no,” she said. The thought made her feel nauseous. “I’m sorry. I can’t go back there. Besides, I like my house just fine.”
“It would be my house I was talking about, not the condo, for one thing.”
She looked down at Corey and tried to think of what was best for him, but her fear was getting the better of her and overshadowing her judgment.
She looked up at him. “I’m afraid if we do, we’ll be stuck there, and I’ll never be able to leave with him.”
King sat forward, rested his elbows on his knees, and gripped his hands together. “I swear to you that I would never prevent you from two from leaving.”
“I … I don’t trust you.”
He sighed and nodded. “I understand that, and I’m going to do my best to get back to the place we were before I screwed up.”
“Wait, are you talking about a relationship involving sex?” she asked.