Page 22 of Daddy's Little Librarian (Daddy 17)
He cupped Sienna’s face in his hand. “What do we have to do to convince you to obey us?”
Ava instantly felt a heated charge of emotion in the air. The girls immediately stiffened, and the men seemed to become more dominant. She looked back and forth between the groups, wondering what was going on or about to happen.
“Kane, man, I’d give Ava a little time to get used to us,” Travis said.
Kane narrowed his eyes on her and then nodded before he turned back to Sienna. “We’ll deal with this later.”
Ava felt everyone relax, and the tension left her body.
“Have you eaten, honey?” Travis asked.
“No, sir.”
“Then you need to eat.”
“No buts. Go with the girls.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.”
“Come on, Ava.” Nia pulled her toward what looked like a dining room. The long table was filled with dishes of food. It looked like a picture in a magazine.
“It’s so pretty,” Ava said.
The girls giggled.
“If we don’t eat it, Mrs. Clark, the housekeeper, will be sad, and our daddies will spank our asses.”
Sienna snorted. “Larkin, let her get to know everyone a little before you start saying shit like that.”
“Baby girl,” Kane said from several feet away. “Language.”
“Sorry, Daddy.” Sienna tried to look contrite, but she didn’t quite pull it off.
Ava bit her lip to keep from smiling when Kane rolled his eyes and turned back to his conversation.
“It won’t last long,” Elle said.
Sienna gasped in outrage, and her eyes narrowed. “You bitc—” She cut off her words, making the girls laugh.
“See?” Amber said and threw out her arm.
Ava couldn’t help that the giggle she’d been trying to suppress snuck out. She became self-conscious when the girls stared at her like they didn’t know her. “What?”
Nia cleared her throat. “It’s just you don’t laugh a lot, so it always surprises us when you do.”
“I laugh,” Ava said.
The group of girls slowly shook their heads.
She tried to think back to when she had really laughed, and she couldn’t remember. “I’m trying to do better.”
They all smiled and nodded.
“We’ll help. Now, let’s eat.” Nia handed her a few things. “Here’s a plate.”
They walked around the table and put things on their plates. She scrunched up her nose at a few things and then smiled when some of the girls did the same thing.
They went across the living room to a seating area, sat, and ate. She listened to them all talking, but three different conversations were going simultaneously, making it impossible for her to hear just one. So, she just enjoyed watching them and eating good food.