Page 19 of Daddy's Little Librarian (Daddy 17)
“You heard me.”
“You can’t say things like that.”
He chuckled. “But I just did, sweetheart.”
“I think I need to get back to work,” she said.
“Not yet. Are you really doing okay?”
“I promise I am. No headache at all.”
“Good. I don’t like seeing you in pain, so we’re going to have to do everything we can to keep you healthy.”
She sputtered and laughed. “You’re getting way ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”
“Naw. Today’s Thursday, and I have a meeting tonight, but what are you doing on Friday night?”
“I have plans.” He didn’t say anything for a long while, and she could actually feel the tension over the phone.
“Oh, with who?”
She grinned. He was trying to act blasé, but he wasn’t pulling it off very well. “I’m going out with a few friends.”
“Men or women?”
“You’re being nosy, aren’t you?”
“Just answer the damn question before I come over and tan your ass.”
She pressed a hand over her mouth to keep her giggles in. “Girls.”
He growled. “You better be telling me the truth.”
“God, you sound so grouchy,” she said. “Did you not get any sleep?”
“Not really. Besides the bed being too damn small, I liked looking at you too much.”
The breath caught in her throat. Wow, she didn’t know how to feel about him staring at her while she slept. It should have been creepy, but instead, it showed her how attracted he was to her. She had to admit she had done the same thing.
“Um … so … okay. Was there anything else?” she asked.
“What about Saturday? We’ll get breakfast, go to the farmer’s market, get food, and make a meal at my place.”
“Couldn’t it be at my house?”
“It could, but I want to show you my place. It’s in the same building I work in. I’ve been half-heartedly looking for a house, but nothing has caught my eye.”
“I see several for sale when I drive around. Do you go through a realtor?”
“Yeah, but she irritates me.”
Ava laughed. “Then get another one.”
“I’ve been told she’s the best.”
“What does she do?” Ava asked.
“She’s always rubbing up against me or touching my chest or arm.”