Page 4 of Daddy's Little Chica (Daddy 16)
Chapter Two
Cesar watched the woman in front of him struggle with several packages. He rushed to help her but didn’t get there in time to prevent her from falling.
He crouched next to her. “Whoa, pequeña, are you all right?”
His breath caught in his chest at the sweet innocence in her expression. He almost smiled when she stared at him but then asked her again if she was okay.
“I … yes. I think so.”
He was concerned about the spots of blood on her palm and wished he’d had a handkerchief with him, then thought about how he could help her.
He couldn’t help but smile at her, she was so damn cute.
When he started to ask her about the sacks, an older woman came to stand over them. He was instantly pissed when the woman started yelling at the girl. The first thing he wanted to do was yell back, but he could tell the girl was extremely embarrassed, so he just offered to help.
When the woman asked him his name, and she recognized it and his security business, he saw the greedy calculation brighten her eyes. God, the woman was horrible, and he couldn’t believe she was Amber’s mother.
Cesar turned to ask the girl her name, but the woman interrupted him. The more time he spent with the bitch, the angrier he got.
The woman tried to get between them, but Cesar stood and towered over her. “I think she is,” Cesar said. “What’s your name, honey?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Amber.”
“You, too.”
He tried to figure out how to see her again when her mother invited him to her house. It was a perfect opportunity to get to know Amber, but he ensured she would be there before he agreed to come.
The smile on her face made his breath catch in his lungs. She was so incredibly pretty. Oh, he knew the mother would try to push the other daughter at him, but his heart was set on Amber.
“I’ll send a note to your office about the time and address.”
“That sounds fine.” He turned to Amber. “I will see you Friday.”
He walked back to his office with a grin on his face. While he was bummed he had to wait three days to see her, he knew he could be patient if the result were being with her.
If he hadn’t seen the same attraction in her eyes, he would have left it alone, but he did. Now nothing was going to stop him from seeing her again.