Page 35 of Daddy's Little Chica (Daddy 16)
Chapter Fifteen
Within thirty minutes, he’d eaten, showered, and was slipping into bed beside Amber. Then he plastered himself against her back and laid his hand on her lower stomach.
Feelings he’d never had before were racing through him. They were so strong it should have scared him, but instead, the love and contentment he was feeling were things he’d been looking for.
She wiggled against him to get closer to him, and he heard her whimper.
“Shhh, pequeña. I’m right here.”
She sighed. “Mmmm.”
He couldn’t believe how much she’d already affected his life, and her trust was something he’d cherish forever.
He yawned, then pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he closed his eyes and slept.
Her movements were what woke him in the middle of the night. She was trying to scooch toward the edge of the mattress.
“What are you doing, chica?”
She looked at him over her shoulder. “I have to pee.”
He could barely see her face, but there was just enough light coming in through the window to see the blush that darkened her complexion, and it made him smile. “Let me help you.”
He lifted her from the mattress, took her into the bathroom, and set her in front of the toilet.
He stepped back and waited for her to sit, but she continued to stare at him. He’d been so focused on her he hadn’t realized he was standing in front of her with just shorts, and she’d never seen his body before. She seemed to be mesmerized by his body.
The fiery heat that filled her eyes as her gaze roamed over him made his cock harder than hell, and it also gave him hope that she’d want a relationship with him. He didn’t try to hide his hard-on because she would have to get used to it. He was hard around her all the time.
Her eyes widened as her gaze came to his cock.
“Pequeña, you don’t have a lot of energy right now. You have all the time in the world to see my cock.”
He smiled when the color crimson slipped over her face. “Come on, pequeña.”
She gasped. “I can’t pee with you in here,” she whispered, ducked her head, and tried to hide her face with her hair.
He snorted. “All right. I’ll close the door. But first, how’s the pain?”
“I’m hurting.”
“I’ll go get you another pill. Call out if you need me.”
He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the horrified look on her face at what he guessed was the thought of him helping her use the toilet.
He closed the door. With time, she’d get over being embarrassed around him, but he knew it would take a while. He was back with the pill as she was coming out of the bathroom.
“Let’s get you back in bed, chica. But, before you lie down, take the pill and drink the juice.”
She nodded and did what he asked. When she was done, she slowly lay down on her left side and sighed.
He climbed back into bed and arranged himself against her back again. “How are you doing?”
“Good. I like you holding me.”
“I’m glad because I like holding you.”
Her breathing quickly evened out, and it wasn’t long before his eyes closed.