Page 10 of Daddy's Little Chica (Daddy 16)
Chapter Five
Her head jerked around when her passenger side door opened.
“Hi, honey,” Cesar said and grinned. “It looked like you were about ready to take off, so I thought I’d intervene.”
Cesar handed the driver several bills and then pulled her out of the car.
“Hi,” she said and stared up at him. He seemed so much more handsome and bigger than the previous day. His shoulders were twice as broad as hers, and his hands engulfed hers. Instead of it making her feel overwhelmed, she felt safe, which surprised and confused her at the same time.
He smiled down at her. “Hi, yourself. Are you hungry?”
Oh, damn. She was starving, but there was no way she’d eat in front of him. She didn’t want him to think she was a pig like her family did. “I … yes. A little.”
His eyes narrowed on her. “Really?”
“Um, yes.”
“We’ll talk about lying later. Right now, I need to feed you.” He tightened his hand on hers as they walked in the door.
Amber watched an older man walking toward them with a big smile on his face.
“Ahhh, Mr. Hammond. I’m so glad you’re here today.”
“Vincent,” he said and shook the man’s hand. “Where else would I take my girl on our very first date?”
She glanced up at Cesar to see if he was teasing, but the look in his eyes said anything but. She swallowed the emotion that clogged her throat.
Cesar smiled, raised her hand, and kissed the back of her knuckles.
“Then we need a special table,” Vincent said and clapped his hands. A younger man raced over right away, and they spoke in rapid Italian. “This way.”
Cesar wrapped an arm around her waist and followed behind Vincent to a small table in a more private part of the restaurant.
“This is perfect. Thank you,” Cesar said and pulled out a chair for her.
“You’re very welcome. Enjoy your meal.”
Amber smiled at the older man and then looked around the room. She thought the place looked like an old Italian villa, and she loved it on sight. The ambiance and tranquil atmosphere relaxed her instantly. She looked across the table at Cesar to find him staring at her.
“What do you think so far, honey?”
“It’s wonderful.”
“I’m glad you like it.” He handed her a menu. “The lasagna here is especially good.”
She almost groaned. It had been a long time since she’d had pasta of any kind. Her mother didn’t allow it in the house.
“I think I’d like a salad.”
She tried to ignore the hard, stern look in his eyes, but it was next to impossible.
“How about you let me order for you?” he asked.
“I … I’m not very hungry.”
He reached for her hand. “I know we’ve just met, but I have to tell you that I don’t like to be lied to.”