Page 8 of Daddy's Little Hellion (Daddy 14)
Trey bit back a grin at Nia’s dramatic groan. But he was surprised when she did what she was told.
He followed behind Travis, who had a tight hold on Nia as she skipped along.
The front door open before they knocked.
“Hello, Elder. I’d like you to meet a friend, Trey Black.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Black.”
Travis snickered when he opened his mouth because he knew what he was going to say. “No matter how many times you ask, Elder will never call you by your first name. He and Lawrence are a lot alike.”
Trey grinned.
“He considers himself a butler, but he runs Darian’s life, so we call him a god.”
Trey laughed at the red blush that covered Elder’s face.
“Yes… Well…” Elder stuttered.
Darian came up behind him and patted the older man’s shoulder. “Thank you, Elder. And before you walk away, he’s right. I’d be a mess without you.”
The butler bowed. “Thank you, sir. It’s a privilege to work for you.”
Darian snorted. “I think it’s more like I work for you.”
Trey laughed when the butler huffed, turned abruptly, and walked off.
“Come in,” Darian said.
Travis made the introductions.
Trey watched Darian turn to Nia, who continued to bounce the whole time.
“Hello, Nia. It’s nice to see you again.”
Nia froze, glanced up at her daddy, and then back at Darian.
“It’s nice to see you, too, sir.”
“Would you like to go see the girls?”
Trey bit back a laugh when he saw the little woman vibrating, trying to hold in her excitement but couldn’t quite contain it.
“Yes!” she yelled.
“They’re up in the playroom.”
“Thank you, sir.” Nia turned to Travis. “Can I go? Can I, can I, can I?” she chanted.
Travis nodded. “Yes, but be good.”
She clapped a few times, turned, and started to run.
Both Travis and Darian said, “No running,” making the woman stop and walk sedately up the stairs.
Trey chuckled when both men sighed as they heard her run down the hallway once she was out of sight.
“Let’s go in here.” Darian led the way into his office.