Page 38 of Daddy's Little Hellion (Daddy 14)
Jenna looked at Travis when he called all the women over.
“Can you guys tell us what was said that day at Rylan’s house? It was Faith, Ashton, Larkin, Jenna, and Kyla. You were all in the playroom.”
The girls looked confused for a moment.
“It was the day you met Duncan.”
“We talked about the things we wanted to do together the next time we saw each other,” Faith said.
“We also talked about our childhood dreams,” Larkin said. “I told them I dreamed of having a pink pony.”
“What did Kyla want?” Trey asked the group.
“She said she was ten when she made her wishes, and she hadn’t made any since. All she wanted was her daddy to come for her,” Jenna said. “She never knew who he was because her mom was a whore. She also wanted him to be rich, so she’d be able to have a meal every day.” Jenna swallowed. “I hated what she went through. She’s such a sweetheart. We have to find her.”
“And we will.” Trey hugged her to his side.
Jenna tried to laugh. “We asked what rich was to her at that age, and she said the garbage man because he had a steady job. It didn’t matter if he picked up other people’s garbage. Money doesn’t mean anything to her but a chance of survival.”
Jenna’s heart tripped in her chest when she remembered something else. “We were going to lunch one day. It was a special treat we didn’t get often because we didn’t want to spend the money. Anyway, we came upon a homeless woman sitting against a building. Kyla walked up to her and squatted. They talked for a minute, and then Kyla handed over her five-dollar bill. It was what she was going to use for lunch. She didn’t have any more until payday. I ended up buying one sandwich, and we shared, and you would have thought I’d given her a five-course meal on a silver platter.”
It felt like her heart was breaking. Jenna wiped her eyes and leaned against Trey. “She is the best friend anyone could ever have. I need to find her.”
Jenna turned to Duncan when he spoke up.
“I’m going to find her and bring her back,” he said. The group looked at him, and the guys all nodded in understanding.
“Why would you do that if you don’t like her?” Jenna asked in confusion. She wouldn’t forget the look on Kyla’s face when she got out of the pool at Travis’s one day, and Duncan looked at her like she was nothing. Kyla had been quiet for a few days after that, but no matter how much coaxing, she wouldn’t talk about Duncan or the way she felt.
“I don’t dislike her. I overheard you guys talking, and I jumped to conclusions. I let past experiences blind me to who she really was.”
“You know you hurt her feelings,” Larkin said.
He nodded. “And I’ll make up for all of it. While I’m looking for her, I need some help with a few things.”
“Whatever you need,” Rylan told him.
“If she’s willing, I’d like to see if a relationship between the two of us would work. I felt a pull with her from the very beginning. That’s why I took it so hard when I thought she was greedy. We both need to get to know each other, but I also want to be ready for her if she agrees. I want to be able to give her everything she deserves.”
Jenna listened as the group planned a way to surprise Kyla when they got her back. She was also thrilled with the fact Duncan was going to look for her, and it sounded like when he did find Kyla, she might go home with him if she agreed. It was something Jenna knew would be good for Kyla. She needed someone to take care of her full-time.
“I want you guys to find the best seamstress in town.”
Jenna instantly got tears in her eyes when Duncan asked if there was a seamstress in town because she knew why he asked.
“Why?” Darian asked.
“Because she has a teddy bear the hospital gave her when she was born. It was the only toy she ever got,” Duncan said. “She loved it so much, it fell apart. But she kept it, and I want to fix it.”
Jenna walked to him and hugged him. “You have no idea what that would mean to her.”
He hugged her back. “I think I can guess.”
For the rest of the day, Jenna stayed with Trey and the girls as they helped plan the room for Kyla. It was late that night when they got home, and Jenna was heartsick because they hadn’t found her yet.
She hated to think of Kyla out on her own and wanted her back where she belonged.