Page 24 of Daddy's Little Hellion (Daddy 14)
Chapter Ten
They pulled into an underground parking ramp and parked just across from the elevator.
“Let’s get you into bed,” he said.
“No, I just got out of bed.”
After he got out, he opened Kyla’s door, helped her out, and then came around to open hers. He slipped a hand under her arm and lifted her from the seat. She had to admit it hurt a lot less when he helped her.
He kept his grip on her as they got on the elevator.
She tried to pull away. “I can stand on my own.”
“I’m sure you can, but you’re hurt.”
“Then let go of me.”
“No.” He put the code in.
Jenna was going to blast him again when she caught the look in Kyla’s eyes. She sighed. She forgot that Kyla had grown up with her mother and then her aunt, and both had terrible tempers. She had unintentionally gotten in the middle of both emotional and physical fights with others and had been hurt more than once.
Her friend was one of the sweetest people Jenna had ever met, and she’d always been there for her. Kyla had been the one constant in her life since they met a few years before.
The door slid open, catching her attention. The condo was very spacious but didn’t have any color or personality. She loved the apartment she and Kyla rented. It hadn’t been much in the beginning, but they had turned it into a home they both loved.
They’d spent their days off going to flea markets and garage sales where they had picked things up, brought them home, and refurbished them in some way. They’d found some pallets in the back of a store and had brought them home. They each had a bed frame but no headboard. They took the pallets apart and put them back together in a shape that each of them liked for their own bed.
Kyla’s had a cool arch to it, and she’d bought padding and fabric and stapled that to the wood to make the headboard padded. It was beautiful, like something she would have seen in a store. Her friend definitely had a knack for interior design. Jenna herself was good, but Kyla surpassed her.
“None of us have eaten today, so I’m going to make eggs and toast. It’s simple but filling.”
“I can help,” Kyla said.
“Okay.” He turned to Jenna. “Do you want to be in bed or sit out here at the table and watch us?”
“I’ll sit here.”
He pulled out a chair and made sure she was comfortable before walking into the kitchen. Then he bent behind the island and pulled out a toaster and a pan.
“If you make the toast, Kyla, I’ll scramble some eggs for us. Travis said the condo was stocked with food.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
Trey opened the refrigerator and snorted. “Yeah, we could stay home for a few weeks and not run out of food.”
Jenna watched the two work and talk together and couldn’t understand the feeling of being separate. They’d only just met, but they looked like old friends or something. She knew that Kyla already trusted the guy.
As a kid, hell, most of her life, she’d felt set apart from everyone, but she never thought she’d feel this way with Kyla. Oh, she knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose, she never would, but she got along better with most people, and Jenna usually ended up insulting someone because she didn’t put up with any shit.
Fuck, maybe she was destined to be on her own?
There was another feeling that crept in, and she didn’t understand it. It was pure jealousy, but she didn’t even like the guy. Watching the two interact together made her stomach twist.
They looked good together. They both had really dark hair and were extremely attractive. The only thing off was the fact the top of Kyla’s head barely made it to his shoulder. She looked more like a child next to him. Jenna didn’t think she’d look much better, but she did have about three inches on her friend, so that the height difference wouldn’t be so stark.
God, what was she thinking? The man was way too bossy for her taste. She should actually encourage a relationship between the two since she thought Kyla needed a daddy more than anyone she’d ever known.
She struggled to stand. “Which room are we in?”