Page 3 of Daddy's Little Warrior (Daddy 13)
Chapter Two
Drake held a cold can of beer in his hand and listened to Cason and Marek describe some of what the business was doing and the different roads the owners were debating about.
While he had a few ideas, he didn’t want to get into it that night. He was too damn tired and just wanted to hit the sack.
“You looked wiped out,” Cason told him.
“A little, but a few good nights’ sleep will take care of that.”
A woman he’d seen in the room but had yet to talk to came over to the group and maneuvered herself until she was glued to Cason.
“I don’t think you’ve met my wife, Lacey,” Cason said and grinned.
“I can’t fucking believe you’re married,” Drake said.
His breath caught in his throat when she turned to face him. Her eyes were the most unusual ones he’d ever seen. His attention went back to Cason when he snorted.
“It happens every time.”
Drake looked at him in confusion. “What?”
“When they first see my little’s eyes.”
“They are beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
He almost smiled when the girl blushed and tucked her head against Cason’s chest.
“Daddy, Bella and Sienna want to have a picnic together tomorrow. Is that okay?”
Drake listened intently to the conversation. He’d heard the term “little” before, but he didn't really know what that entailed.
“Where, baby?” Cason asked her.
“Their building.”
“Not tomorrow. I have meetings all day.”
“Can’t someone else take me?”
“I can take her over,” Marek said.
“If you need me to do something, I’m available,” Drake offered.
Cason looked down at his woman and smiled. “You’re a lucky girl to have so many people to take care of you, baby.”
“Does that mean I can go?”
Drake watched her bounce on her toes. She was so eager to please him and did what he said immediately. The women he knew nowadays would have told Cason to go to hell, and she’d walk over by herself. Not the littles. The ones he met that night seemed to thrive on the control their daddies gave them.
It was bittersweet because it reminded him of someone he’d known once.
She squealed and hugged Cason. “Thank you, Daddy.” She turned to him and Marek. “Which of you gets to take me?”
Cason chuckled. “I’ll ask, baby. Why don’t you go tell the others, and you can plan what you girls want to eat.”
Drake watched her race back to a group of women, and then they all jumped up and down.
“Where will they have the picnic?” Drake asked.
Cason laughed. “Probably in Kane’s room. Caleb would scare them when he started barking.”
“They don’t have it outside?”
“No, not in the city. Only when we go to someone’s house. We always make sure they’re safe. Once, one of the girls saw a kitten run into an alleyway and followed it. It scared the hell out of Gage. You haven’t met them yet. Anyway, they didn’t find her for close to twenty minutes, and she was several blocks away and in tears.”
“Jesus, didn’t she know to be cautious?”
Cason shook his head. “No. Gage, her daddy, only found her that quickly because we all have trackers on them. Each wears a necklace they know never to take off. It’s helped several times.”
“They don’t mind?”
“No, because they know we’re doing it to protect them.”
“That’s amazing. I didn’t think women like that still existed in the United States. Overseas, they are far behind us when it comes to women’s equality.”
Both men nodded.
“There are actually more women like ours than you think. Maybe someday you’ll find one,” Cason said.
Drake felt a shaft of agony race through his body and gritted his teeth to prevent the grunt of pain from passing his lips. He shook his head. “No. I’m not going to look. I don’t ever want a relationship.”
The other two men glanced at each other likely because of his abrupt tone. Then they nodded and fortunately changed the subject.
The night ended shortly after, and everyone left except for his brother and Emma. He’d met a lot of good people and was eager to work with them.
He started to help them clean up when Devon stopped him. “Hey, man, you look beat. We can wait to talk until tomorrow if you want to crash.”
Drake almost sighed in relief. “That would be great. Thank you.”
Devon hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
He hugged him back. “I am, too.”
He thanked Emma for the wonderful meal, walked into the room they gave him, showered, and dropped into bed.
It was when he was lying there that he realized he was happy to be with his brother. He knew things would have gotten worse for him if he had stayed at the cabin too much longer. He needed a challenge to give him something to look forward to each day. His life wouldn’t be the best, but he’d make it as fulfilling as he could being on his own.