Page 27 of Daddy's Little Warrior (Daddy 13)
Chapter Sixteen
A few hours later, Aisha was tired, and she could tell the other girls were getting bored.
“How much longer?” Lacey complained.
“Someone go ask one of the daddies,” Faith said.
Emma stood. “I’ll go.”
A minute later, Emma was back and sat down. “It’s breaking up now, so it shouldn’t be too much longer.”
Good. Although Drake had checked on her a few times, she could tell he was really distracted, and it made her feel like she was in the way.
As hard as she tried, she continued to feel like she was never going to learn what she thought she should, to become the woman she thought Drake needed.
One by one, the daddies came for their littles until there was just Emma and Aisha.
“I’m tired, and I want to go home,” Emma said.
Aisha nodded. There were around six other people in the room, and unfortunately, the woman lawyer was one of them. It didn’t seem to matter to her when Drake scowled at her or told her to back off, she just kept coming back to him.
“Are you girls ready?” Devon asked.
They both stood.
“Is Drake coming?” Aisha asked.
“Yes. I’m taking you both to your place. He said he’d be right up.”
Devon cupped her chin. “Please don’t let that woman get to you. I know my brother would lay down his life for you, and you’re his whole world.”
She nodded. She did believe he’d die for her, but she thought since he was a warrior, he’d do it for about anyone. The part of being his whole world was debatable. It seemed like the more time passed, the less Drake seemed to be content being with her.
She knew he was busy with the business, and when they were together, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her, but there was a distance growing between them that terrified her.
As the elevator doors started closing, she glanced one more time at Drake and saw the woman’s hand on his forearm. The fact Drake didn’t even glance her way as she left made her feel sad, too.
In their apartment, she turned to Devon. “You don’t have to stay with me. I’m just going to shower and go to bed.”
“No, Emma and I will sit out here until Drake gets here. Go on and go to bed, though.”
“Okay. Good night.”
“Good night, honey.”
“Good night,” Emma said and waved.
Aisha showered quickly and slid into bed. As tired as she was, she was still unable to fall asleep because her mind wouldn’t shut down. She heard when Drake came in and kept her eyes closed as he got ready for bed.
He got in bed and pressed his body against hers. She felt him kiss the back of her head and then relax. It didn’t take but a few minutes for his breathing to even out and deepen.
She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep and thought a nice cup of tea would help. After carefully lifting his arm, she got out of bed. She pulled on her robe and walked into the kitchen.
After she made her tea, she sat in a chair by the window and looked out. Even late at night, there were still people walking down the sidewalks and in cars.
In Afghanistan, most people were locked in their homes by sunset because the insurgents liked to terrorize them.
She thought back to the talk she’d had with her aunt right after she’d met Drake. Her aunt told her that a few men had spoken to her about taking Aisha as a wife. Before Drake, she would have been glad because she’d have the help she needed for everyday living. After meeting the love of her life, she was terrified the plans they made to get her out of the country so they could be together would be taken from her, and she’d have to marry one of the men in the village. The thought of another man touching her made her physically ill, but she knew she wouldn’t have a choice in the matter. Women in the region were silent and not asked about things or their opinions. The men always took over and ran every aspect of their lives, which she always hated.
She was confused that being with Drake and his need for control didn’t bother her in the least, in fact, she craved his dominance. Maybe it was the fact she loved him that made the difference?
“Baby,” Drake said, catching her attention. “What’s wrong?”
She turned her head to look at him. Her breath always caught in her throat when she saw this wonderful man naked in all his glory. He had a body that surpassed any other she’d ever seen.
He was the strongest man she’d ever seen, and the tattoos covering his chest and arms made him look like the warrior he was. The fact that his cock was hard, and she could see the heat in his gaze, awoke her body and made her cunt pulse in need. “Nothing. I just couldn’t sleep.”
He put her cup aside and lifted her into his arms. “I can’t sleep without you.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I feel the same way, eshgham.”