Page 19 of Daddy's Little Warrior (Daddy 13)
Chapter Twelve
Later that night, Drake lay in bed, wrapped around Aisha, and stared out the window. Even though they’d wanted to make love, he held off because she flinched when he thrust a finger into her tight cunt.
The last thing he wanted was to hurt her. She’d been through enough of that in her life already.
He was trying to figure out the best way to deal with her the next day. He would have to go into the office, but he didn’t want to leave her at home alone, and he thought she’d feel better being near him for the time being.
When they were overseas, she had discussed wanting to learn to write and understand English, and he thought about finding a tutor or books she could use to help her. He wanted to do anything that would make her happy and help her feel more settled in America.
The following day, he led Aisha down the hallway to his office. He could tell she was apprehensive and tried to keep things light and easy.
“First thing I want to do is order you more clothes and maybe look into something that will help you learn to write the English language if you’re still interested.”
“Yes, I’d like that.”
He pressed a kiss on her knuckles and opened his office door. They both stopped when they saw the bags that covered the sofa.
“What the heck?” He opened the first one and pulled out a skirt. “This is all for you, babe.”
“Who did it?”
“I think Emma was definitely involved, but we’ll have to ask her when we see her. Do you want to look at everything while I check my messages?”
He loved the smile that crossed her face and would hug Emma for doing this for her. Drake would look up every once in a while to see her studying one of the pretty shirts. He noticed she hadn’t pulled any pants or shorts from the bags and was thankful because he loved seeing her in long skirts.
She heard her giggle and saw her pull books and pencils from one of the bags.
“What are those, babe?”
“Coloring books. Emma and I did some coloring last night, and I really enjoyed it.”
“We’ll thank her for all of it the next time we see her.”
“I’d like that very much.”
When he heard a knock on the door, he said, “Come in,”
Devon and Emma came through with a sack. “We thought you guys would like to eat lunch with us.”
Drake grinned at his brother. “That would be great. Thank you. I’d also like to thank the nymph who brought in all the sacks for Aisha. You wouldn’t happen to know who that was, would you?”
He grinned when Emma dropped her head, but he could tell she was smiling. He stood and walked to her and pulled her into his arms. “Thank you so much. Aisha and I appreciate it, honey.”
She hugged him back and then grinned up at him. “Daddy told me that you’re my brother, and she’s my sister. I have to take care of my family.”
He laughed and released her, then walked over to Aisha and wrapped an arm around her. “Are you hungry?”
She nodded. “I’d like to hug Emma first.”
He released her and watched her walk over to Emma and say something. He saw Emma tear up, smile, and pull Aisha into her arms.
“I love seeing that,” Devon said as he came to stand next to him. “I think they’re going to be good for each other.”
Drake nodded. “I agree.”
“Let’s eat,” Devon yelled and started pulling things out of the bag to set them on the low table in front of the sofa.
Drake pulled up two chairs and started unwrapping a sandwich. He placed it in front of Aisha before getting his own.
“Thank you.”
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re very welcome.”
They ate, talked, and enjoyed the time the four spent together.
“What’s Aisha going to do this afternoon?” Devon asked.