Page 17 of Daddy's Little Warrior (Daddy 13)
Chapter Eleven
Aisha followed Emma into a room she hadn’t seen yet. It was filled with everything a child or young adult woman would like. She knew her mouth must have dropped open when Emma giggled.
“I know, it’s ridiculous, isn’t it?” Emma asked her.
Aisha smiled. “Your … Devon did this for you?”
“You can call him my man or my daddy.”
“Drake has talked about it a little bit. I’d like to know more about that.”
“If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.” Emma took her hand and squeezed. “We’re going to be good friends.”
Aisha smiled and relaxed. “I’d like that. I desperately need a friend.”
“You won’t just have me either. There is a group of us littles who are friends. We help each other out all the time.”
“I’d like to meet them someday.”
Emma nodded. “Yes, you will. I just don’t want to overwhelm you. Some of them are loud.” She laughed.
Aisha nodded. “Everything is so different from where I came from.”
“I hope you’ll eventually get used to everything and enjoy being here with us.”
Aisha hoped so, too.
Emma showed her around the room, pointing out things she’d never seen before.
“Do you want to color?”
“Yes, I’d like to try.”
Emma pulled out two books and a box of colored pencils. “Let’s lie down here.”
Aisha lay on her stomach next to Emma and looked at the book she handed her. These weren’t like the color books she’d seen in the past. These were much more intricate, detailed, and beautiful.
She had no idea how long they colored and talked before someone cleared their throat at the doorway. Looking up, she saw Drake and Devon staring down at them and smiling. She liked that it made him happy, and she really enjoyed spending time with Emma.
“Are you girls hungry?” Devon asked.
Emma jumped up and then pulled her up beside her. She couldn’t help grin at the woman’s enthusiasm.
At the doorway, Drake pulled her aside and into his arms. “How are you doing, eshgham?”
She laid her head against his chest and breathed him in. There was never going to be another place on earth that she felt as safe and at peace as she did with Drake.
“As long as I’m with you, I’m good.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, cupped her face, tilted her head back, and urged his lips to hers. It always felt like a molten river raced through her body whenever he touched her, and it constantly took her breath away and made her feel shaky.
“Let’s get you fed,” he said. “We haven’t eaten for a few hours.”
She almost smiled. He forgot how her life was before. She always felt blessed to get one good meal a day, much less three.
He wrapped an arm around her waist and walked them into the other room, where Emma and Devon were taking bowls to the table.
“Can I help with anything?” she asked.
Devon smiled. “No, honey. Everything is on the table. You can help us after, though.”
She relaxed. It made her feel better when she was doing something helpful.
Her mouth watered when a platter of chicken came around, and Drake lifted a piece. “Is this okay?”
She nodded.
He went on to put mashed potatoes and corn on her plate. She didn’t know if she’d ever get used to the abundance of everything in America, and she wondered if the people appreciated what they had.
Drake squeezed her hand. “Is everything okay, babe?”