Page 11 of Husband (Betrothed 2)
No surprise there. “My lawyer has drafted a legal agreement. What’s yours is yours. What’s mine is mine.”
“But you will have access to all my accounts, and you’re welcome to spend any of it.”
She folded her arms on the desk. “I don’t need your money.”
“Never said you did. But what’s mine is yours.”
“Why are you giving it to me?” she blurted. “Now that the hotel is mine—”
She couldn’t bring herself to repeat the word. “I have all the money I need.”
“You’re my wife. I want you to have everything that I have. I’m completely transparent with you.”
Her venom started to fade away. “I don’t understand…”
“We have our differences, but we’re a team. We need to act like it.” I would always resent her for what she did to me, but it was time to leave the past behind us. If I wanted any chance to have something real with her, I needed to put all my cards on the table. “This isn’t just a marriage. It’s a partnership. Your success is my success, and that’s a two-way street. You will be the mother of my children. I want you to have all my power in your hands to do with whatever you want.”
For the first time, she was speechless. She stared at me like she had no idea what to say. “I still don’t want your money, but I appreciate the gesture. And for that, I’ll do the same with you.”
“That wasn’t my angle. Keep your money. I’m your husband. I’ll provide for you and protect you.” Her assets were marginal compared to mine. I wouldn’t even notice they were there. She probably had no understanding of just how rich I really was. If she knew, she’d probably lose her marbles. “I want to start moving your stuff over. My men will come back and collect whatever you want to bring.”
Her eyes dropped to the surface of her desk. Her expression was easy to read; she was dreading this, like she’d made a deal with the devil. “Alright.”
“Do you want to go on a honeymoon?”
“No. I have too much work to do.”
We could have our honeymoon in the bedroom.
She lifted her gaze again. “I’ve known you for years, but I feel like I don’t know you at all.”
“What do you want to know?” I’d never discouraged her from asking questions. I’d been an open book from day one. But she’d wanted our relationship to be nothing but sex, so all the deep conversations lovers usually had were missing. She tried to keep our relationship sterile so I would never mean anything to her…but she ended up with me anyway. It was ironic.
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Have dinner with me tonight. We’ll talk then.” I couldn’t wait until she was mine, until I could rip off her clothes and take her as my wife. Fantasies played in my mind on a nightly basis, dreams so vivid I could actually feel her pussy around my dick. Other women felt like trolls compared to the woman I actually wanted. I was committed to a woman I wasn’t even fucking, and it caused me to lose my mind.
Maybe dinner and some wine would loosen her up, would get her to drop her walls and let me in. Maybe she wouldn’t make me wait until our wedding night. Maybe she’d let me have her sooner.
It was the longest I’d gone without having sex…so I was hard anytime I was around her.
She took her time before she answered. “Alright.”
I always had shit to do, so I walked into the meeting late.
Members of the board were talking to each other quietly even though Sofia stood at the front, going over different ideas she had for the hotel. The energy in the room was chaotic, with people’s thoughts in different places. It had a casual feel—like no one was taking it seriously.
Sofia continued to do her best, even though only two men were paying attention. “Most of our restaurants are outdated and designed to attract an older clientele. I think we need to breathe new life into this place, possibly turning the main bar into a hipper space. There’re a lot of locals who would love a new hangout spot.”
One man made notes on his paper, while Charles and Tim spoke about golfing this weekend. It wasn’t Sofia’s fault this was happening. For several decades, they’d been dealing with authoritative men, and Sofia was a poor substitute in their eyes. She belonged at home, taking care of the cooking and cleaning.
Sofia had never had a chance to be successful…not on her own.
“Charles.” I stopped at the head of the table, making my presence known. “Tim.” I stared at them both for a few seconds, my irritated tone conveying my displeasure at the situation. “Gentlemen, maybe you haven’t heard the news yet, but Sofia has agreed to be my wife. After this Saturday, you will address her as Mrs. Lombardi.”