Page 5 of Wife (Betrothed 1)
I did my best to play it cool. “Are you going to tell my father?”
“I’m not a rat.” He slowly turned his gaze back to me, his brown eyes inexplicably pretty. He seemed too handsome to be true, like Prince Charming in a fairy tale. He’d been a lot nicer inside, but now he seemed moody, off-putting. But he continued to linger there anyway…as if he wanted to be with me.
“Thanks. But you could have given me back that cigarette.”
“Trust me, I’m looking out for you.” He stepped up next to me, bringing us close together so we could drop our voices further. If someone came outside, they would see us in deep conversation and probably assume something inappropriate was happening. But no one was going to come out here at this time of night, at least, I hoped not. I’d dated guys while in school, but I’d never had a serious boyfriend. Now that I was officially an adult about to start business school at the university, I expected that to change.
Maybe it would change tonight.
“I don’t need someone to look out for me.” I kept my arms crossed over my chest and leaned against the wall, feigning indifference. But something told me this man could see right through that. “How do you know my father?”
“We do business together.” He didn’t elaborate further. Maybe he thought his job was boring and didn’t want to drone on about it.
That was unfortunate because I genuinely wanted to know. “One day, I’m going to take over for my father and run this hotel.”
“Ambitious…I like that.”
I tried to hide my smile, but the corner of my lip raised slightly.
“Nothing sexier than a woman knowing what she wants.” His voice was deep like dark chocolate. It rumbled in his throat before it emerged, sweet on the ears. This man looked beautiful, sounded beautiful…he just was beautiful.
“Do you know what you want?”
He turned his gaze toward me, his jawline hard as if it were chiseled from stone. “Yes. I take ambition a little too far.”
Bumps appeared on my arms even though it was still humid and warm. My nipples pressed against the cups of my bra, and I resisted the urge to fidget. This was the first man who had made me feel passion and lust, the kind they showed in books and movies. The other boys I’d been interested in were practically friends. This guy was…a man. “I never got your name.”
He slowly turned back to the balcony. “Hades.”
I couldn’t control the eyebrow that rose up my face. “That’s your name?”
“Yes. Not as beautiful as Sofia, but it will do.”
“Isn’t that the god of the underworld?”
“Yes, to those who believe in Greek mythology. Are you one of those people?”
“No. But it’s still an interesting name.”
He was standoffish and cold, staring at the view of the city that was practically laid at our feet. Even with his hands in his pockets, he stood perfectly straight, having a strong back and an ass that looked great in those slacks. He wore a shiny watch. “It’s a name you don’t forget easily.” He turned away and headed back to the doorway without saying goodbye.
I didn’t want him to go. He was the first interesting person I’d met at the party, and I wasn’t eager to lose my only friend…and whatever else I wanted him to be. “Going to steal more cigarettes?”
He stopped and slowly turned, a touch of amusement in his eyes. He came back toward me, taking his time because he knew I wasn’t going anywhere. “Taking cigarettes isn’t exactly a hobby.”
“Fooled me. So, will I see you around?”
His eyes shifted back and forth slightly as they looked into mine. “Do you want to see me around, Sofia?”
The way he said my name caused chills to run down my spine. Boys would make up a lie and walk away, but this was a man who got right to the point. He wasn’t afraid to confront me, to make me uncomfortable with that deep stare.
I wanted to respond with some smartass comment, but I didn’t want to play games. This man wasn’t playing games with me, so why should I play games with him? “Yes.”
A minor look of surprise came into his gaze at my honesty. His lips pressed together a bit as he continued to look at me, as if some internal argument made him clench his entire body. His eyes were open, and he hardly blinked as he stared at me. “You’re a beautiful girl, Sofia. One day, you’re going to be a gorgeous woman. Maybe then you’ll see me around.” He put me down gently, but it still hurt.
I didn’t expect anything from him, but knowing he would walk away and I would probably never see him again was a huge disappointment. The first man I’d actually felt some heat for was out of my league. “How old are you?”