Page 28 of Hated by My Roommate (Shacked Up Love)
I gaze over at him. “I’m sure not about everything. Yet, I do make a better grilled cheese than you.”
His laughter fills the cab of the truck. “No way”
“Yes, I do. Admit it.”
He laughs harder. “Never.” He turns down an isolated county road. “But maybe you can be the one who makes them for little Charlotte and Lucas.”
“Who?” I ask him.
He drops my hand. “I…uh, nevermind.”
I twist in my seat. “No, who are Charlotte and Lucas?”
A smile splits his face as he continues driving, peeking over at me quickly. “The names of our future children.”
My chest warms. “You named our children?”
He doesn’t answer right away, but then finally says, “Is that bad? We don’t have to name them that. I mean, if you hate the names. If you have an ex named Lucas, I get it.”
I love this man.
I laugh softly. “Never had an ex named Lucas.” I pause before continuing, “I actually love the names.” I can picture our life together, little Charlotte and Lucas running around, raising trouble.
“I’m glad.” He focuses on the road.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” he says, shooting me a wicked grin.
After a few more minutes on the road, he pulls into a long driveway that leads to a magnificent two-story white farmhouse with about five acres of front yard alone. It has a wrap-around porch with a swing swaying in the wind. Off to the side of the house is a stable and paddock. “Are we here to see a man about a horse?”
Tobias cuts the engine. “Not exactly.”
“Whose house is this?” I ask, as Tobias gets out of the truck.
He bounds around to my side of the truck and opens the door. “It’s our house.”
I stare into his blue eyes and then my eyes snap back to the house. “What?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
I hop out and Tobias leads me up the front walkway, up the steps of the porch, and to the front door. He reaches into his pocket and produces a silver key. “I said, it’s our house. That is, if you want to live here with me.”
My eyes well with tears. We’ve been living together since the moment Tobias said he was sorry, but never in a place that we could call our own. It always felt like he was living at my place, not our place. “I love it.”
He opens the door and drops to a knee. “Before we go inside, there’s something I’ll be needing to ask you.”
Now, the tears are streaming down my cheeks. “Oh, god,” I whisper.
He fishes a black box out of his pocket and opens it, showing off a round diamond ring. “I’ve loved you since the moment I first met you. Even if that wasn’t the best moment in my life.”
I laugh through my tears.
He continues, “I knew you were the one for me the moment I first saw you and every moment after that. I couldn’t stop picturing a life with you, but nothing can compare to the real thing. I love my life. I love having you by my side every step of the way. Sydney Lancaster, will you marry me?”
“Yes,” I say, frantically nodding.
He slides the large rock on my finger and stands. After a dizzying kiss, I’m lifted into his arms and carried across the threshold of our new home. He sets me down in the living area.
The house is empty, but I can already see the possibilities. The feature I love most is an enormous bay window, and I walk over to it, sitting on the red cushion.
“This is where I can write songs,” I tell him.
“I plan on building a shelf right here for all the Grammy’s you’re going to win,” he says, pointing to the wall next to the window. He points outside to the paddock area. “And Oreo will love it here.”
I jump up, wrapping my arms around his neck. “It’s perfect.”
“You’re perfect.” Then he melds his body into mine, kissing me deeply. Before long, the slow-burning embers are a blazing wildfire. He sits on the window ledge and has me straddle his lap. “Let’s christen this new home. Ride me like you own me.”
I smile against his plush lips and grind against the hardness growing inside his jeans. “Happily.”
He lowers his zipper, freeing his already hard length. The sun pouring in the window highlights his masculinity as he hikes up my dress and pushes my panties to the side. “I need in this wet pussy.”
“It’s yours, Tobias. Whenever you want it.” I slide down his dick.
“Fuck,” he says on a groan once he’s completely inside me.
I rock against him. “You feel so good. So big.” The way he fills me up so perfectly is heaven.
“That’s right. Ride my cock, baby. This is all for you. Every hard inch is yours.” He slams inside me, gripping each ass cheek in his hands.