Page 12 of Hated by My Roommate (Shacked Up Love)
A shiver runs through me, starting at the top of my head and ending at the tips of my toes. I pick up the sandwich. “Thank you,” I say, ignoring his hunger remark, but then think better of it because I understand what type of man he is. When he’s hungry, any dish will do. I just happen to be the closest female within proximity to him. “And about your hunger problem, I’m sure there were many women last night who’d be happy to feed you. Maybe one did on your overnight stay.”
He gives me a sheepish grin, and it’s adorable. Almost bashful. “I stayed in a hotel, alone, because I had some things to think about. There’s only one woman who can satisfy this craving I’ve got.”
I take a bite of the grilled cheese, loving every second of its cheesy goodness and his answer. “And who would that be?”
“You, Sydney. Only you.”
I stare at him, speechless. When I finally find my voice, I change the subject. “This is delicious.”
“Thanks. Had lots of practice cooking for myself growing up. We didn’t have much, but we had lots of cheese and bread. When your parents don’t give a shit, you learn to take care of yourself.”
The sandwich gets stuck in my throat. His eyes widen, like he didn’t mean to reveal so much to me. But… I’m glad he did. “I’m sorry you had shitty parents. I think it's admirable you took matters into your own hands. Fuck them for making you fend for yourself.”
At my words, his awkwardness disappears and then we have a ten-minute conversation about his childhood, and I tell him about my mom passing away when I was ten. It’s unexpected. It’s special. And absolutely not how I thought things would go when he knocked on my door.
“What do you think, Sydney? Do you think Tobias would like it here in Texas?” my dad asks, entering my office, his smile full of life.
“I think you’d have to ask Tobias that question,” I say with a smile mirroring his.
Tobias laughs but covers it up with a cough. “Everything’s been amazing. I even made it to an open mic night.”
“Ah,” Dad says as I stiffen in my chair. “Anyone we should take a look at?”
Tobias glances at me and I drop my head, hoping he doesn’t mention anything about me. “There was this one act I couldn’t stop thinking about.”
They chatter about finding talent, and I hold my breath. Two days have passed since I sang in that club. Since I thought about Tobias while I touched myself. In those two days, I’ve discovered nothing that shows he’s up to anything except what he says.
Dad, ever the paranoid one, thinks we need a little more time to be certain. Easy for him to say, since he’s not the one having to live with Tobias. Just look at him in those perfectly fitted slacks and dress shirt, oozing sensual masculinity out of his pores. He’s even had the nerve to roll his sleeves up to reveal some arm porn.
As if reading my illicit thoughts, my father says, “Texas looks good on you, son. Don’t you agree, Sydney? Don’t you think Texas loves Tobias?”
“Sure,” I mumble, not wanting to give my true opinion.
The Texan ladies certainly love him. I saw the way Tracy in accounting stared at him when he arrived for his tour of the building. Holly from HR nearly knocked me over with her big hair, whipping her head around to get a second look at him. Even Millie, the sixty-year-old receptionist, raised her painted-on brows. And she never raises them because of all the Botox in her forehead.
“Tobias is coming out to the ranch tomorrow for dinner. Sydney, you’ll drive him.”
It’s not a question, so I nod my confirmation, wanting to end this charade so I can evict Tobias from my home. And my head.
Tobias gives me a sparkling Hollywood smile. “I’m looking forward to it.”
When they leave, I finish up my work so I can hightail it out of my father’s building. I should probably stay because there are things to discuss with my father. Like, why is Tobias still my roommate? But I don’t want to talk about any of that right now. Instead I’d like to go home, relax, and not think about Tobias without his shirt on. I press my fingertips into my temples because I can’t do any of that since Tobias lives there.
There’s a knock at the door, and the bane of my existence barges in.
“What do you want, Tobias?” I ask, leaning back in the leather chair behind my desk.
He shuts the door and rests a shoulder against the frame. “You seemed stressed when we were here earlier. I don’t like you being stressed. Just wondering if there’s anything I can do to ease some of that unwanted pressure.” I swear he makes everything sound sexual.