Page 56 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
“I still am!” I shouted. “I told you this wouldn’t help!”
“Would you stop yelling at me? You’re making it hard to finish when it sounds like my mother is standing beside me.”
I slowly turned and glared at him. “Did you just compare me to your mother while holding your dick?”
The stream suddenly stopped and he tucked himself in, not taking his eyes off me for even a moment. “I…”
“Ugh!” I screamed under my breath, bending down to look at the welt on my foot. “God, this really hurts!”
“It didn’t help at all?”
“I told you it wouldn’t,” I replied scathingly.
“But, it worked for Monica.”
“Oh, it worked on a TV show?” I snapped. “If he had thrown Monica off a cliff, would you have done that to me?”
“Hey, it was a good idea!”
“It was a shit idea. I can’t believe I let you pee on me. I hate you!”
Sighing, he pulled me into his arms, rubbing his hand up and down my back as I cried into his shirt. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do. I can’t believe I let you pee on me. I’m tainted now.” He swallowed hard and I could feel his body tense, fighting the urge to laugh. “Don’t you dare laugh at me.”
“Do you want to pee on me and make it even?”
* * *
“Come into the water with me,”James pleaded as he waded further into the water. Today, he was in his swim trunks, his muscled body shifting and flexing for me. It was hot. But I wasn’t about to get in the water, not after the last time. That jellyfish sting took weeks to get over.
“I’m not going in.”
“I’ll carry you in. You don’t even have to touch the ground.”
“Not gonna happen.”
He looked over my body, shaking his head. “Why are you in a swimsuit if you’re not actually going swimming?”
“I’m getting a tan.”
The weather had started to change. It was almost too cold to be in the water now, despite the days still being warm. This would probably be my last chance to get in the water with him, and that was the only reason I decided to venture in.
“Rose,” he sighed in exasperation.
“Fine, but if I get stung—”
“I swear, I won’t try to pee on you.”
I bit back my smile as he walked out of the water and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we walked into the water. As we waded further in, my body shook from the cool water, but I got used to it as I held tight to James.
Resting my head on his shoulder, I watched the birds flying in the sky as the water gently rolled around us. I wished I could stay like this forever with him. But the house was nearly finished. I didn’t want to think about what would happen when it was complete, or if he would keep it. I couldn’t imagine anyone else staying in this place. It was ours, and even if I never stepped foot in it again, I didn’t want it defiled by anyone else.
We designed this house as if it would be ours. What if someone came in and changed it all? I lifted my head and looked at James. “What will you do with the house when it’s done?”
“I was going to sign it over to you.”
Sadness washed over me, because I couldn’t see how I could keep it without giving away our connection. “I think that might be a bad idea.”