Page 41 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
“Can I—”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe you made me stay with him all day!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you wouldn’t leave the room,” Shane shouted. “Who turns makeup sex into regular sex?”
They came walking into view just in time to see me and stop in their tracks. “You know, that pillow doesn’t cover up as much as you think,” Clarissa said, pointing at my junk.
“I have no clothes. Rose is holding me here as her sex slave.”
“Shut up,” Rose laughed, pushing past me into the bedroom. “Here, put this on.”
She handed me a floral robe that wasn’t going to cover up much. “I’m pretty sure they’re still going to see all the wrong things.”
“Why don’t you loan him your pants?” Clarissa suggested to Shane.
“Then I would be in my underwear.”
“So, loan him your underwear and then you can have the pants.”
“What?” I snapped at the same time Shane shot her a look of disgust.
“I’m not sharing my underwear with another dude.”
“And there’s no way I’m wearing underwear some other guy just had on.”
“Would you wear my underwear?” Rose asked.
I cringed at the thought. “I’m not sure that would answer our problems either.”
“Someone could just go back and grab him some clothes,” Clarissa said, shooting Shane a look.
“It just started pouring outside! We barely made it to the door.”
“Come on,” Rose grinned, pulling me into the bedroom and shutting the door.
“Are we having sex again, just to show them how this is done? Because I can get behind that.”
“No, but I am loaning you something to wear.”
“I don’t think anything you own would fit me.”
“You could try,” she grinned, pulling a pair of underwear out of her bag.
They weren’t the smallest pair I’d ever seen. They looked like they were bikini cut, which might hold in the most important parts. There was no way I could go out there with just a pillow covering me up. I snatched them out of her hand, shaking my head at her. “You really want me to wear these?”
“What’s the harm in it? At least you won’t be out there butt naked.”
“I could use your washer.” Which would have been smart to do last night, but I was tangled up with other things.
“And in the meantime, you can wear these.”
Grumbling to myself, I stepped into the panties, grimacing at how tight they were. These were never going to fit. When I got them pulled up, I tried to adjust my junk inside. There just wasn’t enough room. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself.
“I don’t look half bad.”
She rolled her eyes at me. “Aside from the hairy legs, I quite agree. Here, you can have these also.”
She handed me a pair of shorts with an elastic band. “I don’t think these will fit.”