Page 9 of Mr. January: A Forbidden Romance
The next day.
I feel like a Disney princess as I hum to myself, twirling around my small apartment while watering my plants. The birds outside are chirping, and the sun is out and looking brighter than ever in the cloudless blue sky. Shafts of light beam through the gauzy curtains of my window, and Calico lies on the floor in a puddle of sunlight, lazily licking her paw while purring loud enough to rattle my eardrums.
“So you had a good time, hmm?” I ask fondly. “Don’t worry, I did too.”
After all, I can still hear Randy’s low voice growling in my ear as he whispered naughty things. I can even hear him howling again as he ejaculates, spurting hot male jism into my bottom. Speaking of which, I clench my back hole tentatively. I was raw and ravaged after he took me, but in a good way. I loved the milky stream of male come trickling from my ass after he finished, and a smile creeps over my face again as I re-live the events of yesterday over and over inside my head.
It was just so perfect, after all. After months of fantasizing about Randy, it finally happened. He didn’t just materialize. He saved me from my precarious perch on the roof, and then pounded me so good that my bottom’s smarting even today. He’s my knight in shining armor of the best kind, and I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we actually did it up there. Right out in the open, on top of my building too! And we were loud. Looking back on it, I probably should have tried way harder to keep myself quiet, but how would I have been able to? That man was pulling sounds out of me that I myself didn’t even know I could make. I came like a bitch in heat on that roof, and it was well worth the moaning and grunting. Besides, it’s too late to worry about noises now because what’s done is done, and besides, we were relatively quick and there was no one else around.
But then I frown. Actually, there was a helicopter that flew by while we were on the roof, but it was going so fast that I doubt that whoever was on it got to see anything. They don’t really watch for people, right? After all, it was probably just a traffic helicopter or something, so they’d be looking for cars.
Regardless, the cops aren’t banging on my door right now so it must be fine even if whoever was in the copter did see us. I guess they must have a sense of humor. Or maybe they liked it? Because I wish I could somehow go back and watch me and Randy on the roof getting nasty. That man gave me the best climax of my life, and my bottom clenches again, remembering it.
“It was good, wasn’t it, Calico?” I ask my cat dreamily. “He was wonderful.”
She mrowls, still licking her paw, but then my phone buzzes, startling us both. When I grab it from the couch, I’m expecting to see a text from Maggie, but instead, it’s Randy’s name flashing across my screen. Immediately my heart starts racing and I practically squeal, jumping up and down with excitement a few times as I press “open” with my thumb.
Hey, babe. How are you?he texts.
I don’t even tryto play it cool.
Good,I text back with a heart emoji. You?
A few dots appear,indicating that he’s typing, and then a message pops up.
I’m excellent, but I know how things can get even better. Are you doing anything Friday?
My heart fluttersas I read the message over and over, my heart in my throat. OMG, he’s asking me out! Randy Sterling is asking me, Samantha Monroe, out on a date. Holy shit!
I let out a shaky breath as I try to figure out how to respond without sounding too eager. After a few moments, I type out a message and hit send.
Nope, I’m free. Why, do you have something in mind?
I clingto my phone and nearly stare a hole through the screen as I wait to see what he’ll send back. It takes a few minutes, but when the message comes through, I’m not the least bit disappointed. In fact, I’m jumping up and down, squealing with glee as my heart races.
How about a date, sweetheart? 7 pm? I’ll pick you up because I already know where you live.
OMG,it’s really happening! With trembling fingers, I type back.
Sounds great. But I’ll be inside my apartment this time, and not on the roof. See you then!
My reply’s perfect,right? Flirty, but not too desperate? Hell, I don’t even care at this point because I’m smiling so wide that I’m afraid my lips will split right down the middle. I guess I had some lingering doubts about our encounter. After all, Randy didn’t call me the first time we were together, so why would he now?
But it’s turned out fine, and thank goodness I was worried about nothing. The handsome firefighter really does want to see me again, and not even just to hook up. We’re going out on an actual date!
Blissfully, I collapse onto my mattress with my arms spread wide as I stare at the ceiling in a daze. This feels like a dream come true. This feels like all my fantasies coalescing into one because Randy is handsome, hot, rugged, and I want him more than anything. Even better, we seem to have compatible senses of humor, and we definitely both have wild streaks. Now, it’s time to find out if there’s even more to this promising beginning. With a quiet giggle and a huge smile on my face, I hug myself while beginning to dream about my date with the gorgeous fireman.